Eternal Realm Builds for Necro


I was wondering is there any resources that cover Eternal Realm builds ? I’m not the best of them so i like to follow baselines and get to endgame where i can farm endgame items and use those to tweak existing builds. I see that most websites focus on the seasonal content, but im not sure how much that affects the builds. Can i just ignore the seasonal content and follow the build ?

Not here to debate if i should be playing on Eternal or not, just been trying to find some info regarding builds for Necro on Eternal Realm and i get posts from last year september/october, and i’m not sure how relevant that still is.

Thank in advance!

Since Season 3 I’ve advocated for builds that work on Eternal 1st and then replicable on Seasonal. That’s because you can guarantee it works both ways, whereas if you build for seasonal it works for seasonal only. Next season your build dies and you have to start over again.

Usually builds that only work on Seasonal has to do with always on Vulnerability and other damage multipliers that you can’t get anywhere else. Since the re-release of Vampiric powers as aspects, and even season 4 base changes, applying Vulnerability is easier than before.

There’s nothing specific but I think that generally, you should be able to follow a build and make it work on Eternal as well. In the case that it works on both, usually what happens is that it does less damage on Eternal. It’s not too bad though.

Yes. You can do that. Seasonal mechanics add some increase of power, that is relevant only for the season, to boost your progress, since seasons are short, and ethernal is, well ethernal. We also allready got back seasonal mechanics, more or less, in form of uniques and aspects, that you can mix into your build. But I would also wait untill S4 where itemization, crafting and balace changes also come to ethernal, and you might end up wanting to change your build, and farm out the new items.

Your boy Ralph would disagree with you. Heck any decent player would. You’re saying powers like Accursed Touch, Prey on the Weak, Ravenous, and Metamorphosis “doesn’t add much power to builds” LMAO! Or season 3’s pet that scales 1:1 with your stats and solos bosses by itself :rofl: :clown_face:

Thanks for the replies, helped me settle down regarding builds and i really appreciate it !


follow the seasonal build and just disregard the seasonal parts. Skills, gear, stats, paragon will all be the same

Come the 14th of May almost every build guide will need to be rewritten due to the changes coming. At this point its probably best to just play what you enjoy, unless you have a specific reason to grind something over the next three weeks?

Generally, though the Diablo 4 builds are all pretty basic and its just a numbers game. Therefore, most builds will work unless they totally rely on a seasonal mechanic…which almost all of them don’t.