Eternal) Patch note for everybody happy ending

  1. Current 100lvl characters will be adjusted to 60lvl.

  2. Current 925 ancestral items will be adjusted to 800. An ancestral item without any affixes will get a random Greater affix.

  3. Current Mythic uniques will have extra random one more Greater affix after 2.0 update.


Too much work. Not enough profit. Disregard changes.


While that seems like a good idea I also think it will be too much coding and work. It would probably be better and still mark everything as legacy but have it at level 50 requirement and at 750 or 800 IP.


Well it seems squashing all 925 items into 540 and maxing out all unique affixes need similar amount of effort >.>

Anyway I dont like how they view legacy items

Oh plz don’t that would put an end to all the bat :poop: crazy threads that entertain me oh so very much

Eternal players wanting to be treated fairly is not bat :poop: crazy.

Getting the 10 new levels seems weird? Like if they didn’t squish the levels you’d be 100 asking to go to 110?

Its more weirder if they suddendly lock all your access to paragon boards and mythic unique/incense crafts etc etc because you have to level up 10levels which takes for what… one hour?

I don’t think anyone even realize this is a way to force people into buy the expansion. I just hope people enjoy playing as level 50 forever with their 540 gear.

This would make every eternal player happy. blizzard will disregard cause they don’t care about us

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This is the kind of news I’m hoping to see! It honestly wouldn’t even be that much extra work. We can all see what’s being done here. 90% of Eternal players don’t even know about the changes to their item power yet, they’re going to be pissed.