Esadora's Cameo & Ceaseless Conduit + Axial Conduit?

Is adding Esadora’s Overflowing Cameo and the Ceaseless Conduit legendary paragon node to an Axial Conduit build a good idea (or at least not a terrible one)? Seeing as the entire gameplay loop of an Axial Conduit build consists of firing off a couple Chain Lightnings and then running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off to pick up the Crackling Energy orbs that fall like candy out on a piñata as the CLs bounce around, it seems logical to get the most out of it by empowering Crackling Energy. Of course it would be terrible for a boss fight but then so is an Axial Conduit build, or any other sorcerer build for that matter, lol.

Edit: No one answered so I tried it myself and it actually works pretty well. I ended up stacking int to 2.1k and the lightning novas from the amulet hit like tactical nukes and I didn’t even have a great roll, the base damage was only 7k/10k. Still absolutely trash at bossing but like I said above so are virtually all other sorcerer builds.