Error Code 315306 - Unable to find valid license

Playing on PS4. Bought Diablo 4 just after Christmas, and I’ve been playing it with my partner. It’s been fine all week until yesterday. Tried to log in and got error 315306. I’ve tried everything that is recommended and I can think of.

Reset router
Changed Blizzard Password
Restored Licences on PS4

No idea what’s caused this or how to fix it. Any help please?

Same here. I have tried everything.

O mesmo acontece aqui.

Same here on ps5. How do we log a ticket with battlenet. I have seen that you need to supply your battle tag id and psn iD for them to resolve.

Playing on PS4. Bought Diablo 4 just after and I’ve been playing it with my partner. It’s been fine all week until yesterday. Tried to log in and got error 315306. I’ve tried everything that is recommended and I can think of.

Reset router
Changed Blizzard Password
Restored Licences on PS4

No idea what’s caused this or how to fix it. Any help please?

Try rebuilding the ps4 database in safe mode. Once you get into safe mode. Select Rebuild Database. This won’t delete anything off the ps4.

To enter safe mode on a PS4, completely turn off the console, then press and hold the power button until you hear two beeps - release the button after the second beep, connect a controller with a USB cable, and press the PlayStation button on the controller to access the safe mode menu; you should hear one initial beep when you first press the power button, followed by a second beep after a few seconds.

Thanks for the reply. I tried it, but unfortunately it didn’t solve the issue.

Im also getting this code. Bought this game 4 days ago and yesterday started getting this code and can’t get on game.
Do we just have to wait? Are do we have to call someone?[quote=“Kormack-21732, post:1, topic:211136, full:true”]
Playing on PS4. Bought Diablo 4 just after Christmas, and I’ve been playing it with my partner. It’s been fine all week until yesterday. Tried to log in and got error 315306. I’ve tried everything that is recommended and I can think of.

Reset router
Changed Blizzard Password
Restored Licences on PS4

No idea what’s caused this or how to fix it. Any help please?

Not sure. I’ve filed a blizzard support ticket but so far just had their copy paste response of ‘here are all our support pages, look through them and find the issue fix yourself.’

I hope it sorts itself out.

Same here just filed out another ticket still having the problem

Id venture to say there is nothing wrong with your device. Especially if Diablo is the only game in which this problem is occurring. It’s common with blizzard to release updates that cause more problems than they claim to fix I’m sure this is another case of poor programming by … you guessed it :cloud_with_snow:

Hi!I’m having the same issue.Are you ok now?