Error Code 300008

Same experience here, but I got the memory leak error. Didn’t have too many issues last weekend but WOW this weekend’s beta test is choc-full of connection errors.

20 min queue; Random Disconnect after 10 mins
40 min queue; Memory error after moving between zones
60 min queue; (Code 300008) login timeout error

Also, memory leak errors now? I have 32GB of RAM and running a 2080 with 16GB memory, in no way should this ever be happening.

Use this beta opportunity to fix the optimization and connection errors or this is DOA.

got a random crash and a queue 120min
then code 300008 and queue 140 min

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4th time I log in every time I get error 300008 it’s starting to get annoying


Of course its annoying. There’s probably 100,000’s of people trying to get in right now, OCE waking up, people getting off work early etc in the states. They have specifically said that the servers are INTENTIONALLY getting hammered to try and learn what issues there are to help with actual launch. Put a show on, watch youtube, keep trying. You’ll get in. Or don’t? I really don’t care, all these entitled people saying “i must play now!” like you’re the main character. Everyone is having issues. Play tomorrow or later today and it’ll be better, just like it was last weeked. Hooooly.

Same issue - this is after a Network Error disconnect (Error Code 300002).

Same here…

1st attemp: 76 min, finished and error 300008.
2nd attemp: 23 min, finished and error 300008.
3rd attemp: 18 min, changed to 23 min and waiting

Just adding that I am also getting the 300008 Error…everyone who is should add just to make this a larger thread

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Also adding that this is something I just experienced as well, seems the dreaded error is back from last weekend except with a lovely timeout message after requeuing.

can say I’m in the endless queue cycle as well after 300006 and the 316*** error. Feelsprettybad.

I have the same problem, errror 300008, I waited in the queue 4 times, there was no problem with the first beta, it’s terrible to drive today.

I expected the service quality to be this bad if not worse tbh. they rarely account for how many people there will actually be, and only try and put out fires as they start and never pre-emptively allot server space for 1.5 times the projected playerbase

I was playing and had the Druid up to lvl 7 and the game just crashed. Upon logging back in I got the Error Code 300008. For perspective played last weekend and had a 25 barbarian, 25 sorceress, and lvl 7 rogue so the game has worked just fine on my computer. Must be from their end that has been causing this issue

so few months before release you prove to not have infrastructure ready for release, code 37 again? and you expect us to pay 70 euro for this crap? really?

Same , being 1 shot by the 300008 boss :stuck_out_tongue:

Ditto, same for my son and I. We were in a party together after creating new characters. He got disconnected with error code 300008 and put back in login queue. Same thing happened to me shortly thereafter. We both tried to reconnect after 30 minute login queue only to get the same error code 300008 again. I can’t connect so I am done testing login loops for now. @Blizzard please let us know when this is fixed so we can log back in.

5 times today. Im trying to play and this is happening all day long, not just on pick times.

Same deal here - waited 45 mins for DC within 10 mins. second login attempt error code 300008 after 30min wait , third attempt same as second.

I’m on my 4th login attempt after getting 300008 three times in a row now. I have been trying to login for almost two hours now.

Hola, igual el mismo error.
no entra 4 vez.

5 times now I am also receiving this error after waiting in que for anywhere from 45-30 mins each time. Much sadness take me back to last weekend </3