Error 44 Cannot communicate voice or chat

After the last patch, i can no longer use Group Voice. Mic displays a Muted Icon.
"It works in every other program. I tried switching multiple settings.
Headset is a steel series

When i type in any form of chat and hit Enter, a Error 44 code is displayed instead of messages (Pc)

Any help would be Greatly appreciated
Thank You

I have the same issue, I can’t message anyone, I get code 44. I opened a ticket, but they sent me to the forums. please help!

Still having this issue, can anyone help?

I managed to fix it by logging out of battlenet on the PC and client and logging back in. I had been hacked and my account was banned from chat apparently.

I updated the game for season 1 and got locked on my chat. no voice with friends, and no open world/ whispers allowed with error code 44

verify your voice and privacy settings for your account are set correctly

Same problem for me since new season…

solito problema anche a ma

Anche a me da’ error 44, non posso usare la chatt testuale , completamente bloccata.

ho ancora il problema della chat bloccata, vocale e scritta

Maybe someday they will fix their trash game. Pay all this money and the game has so many issues. Constantly getting an ERROR 44 message so you can’t interact with any other players. Watch the amount of people leave this trash for Path of Exile 2

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double check parental controls settings > account settings > social settings
voice chat & groups

same here. when i try to use chat in any way, i get an code 44 error and i cant send the message. im also having issues sending a receiving friend requests.

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