Enough feedback, enough campfires. Time to deliver

I’ve spent hundreds of hours giving PTR feedback together with a group of other people.
Every PTR I make huge posts here to make sure Blizzard gets feedback.

It’s been 17 months since the release of this game.

We’ve been saying the same things, a LOT of easy things to solve for a YEAR and 5 MONTHS. It doesn’t make sense, it never did, and it’s becoming more & more unjustifiable.

VOH was bad & S6 was worse.

Enough feedback, enough campfires. Time to deliver.


The upcoming Campfire Chat will make or break S7.


That’s why I don’t play on the PTR. There’s no reason to test their game for free, only to be completely ignored on anything. At the end they will simply wait for the streamers notes and ignore everyone else. I just enjoy my time in other games while waiting for the next season.

D4’s last chance, for the last time. I assume that they have GA fist of fate on the lucky hit chance to apply another last chance, though.


The original release was their last chance to make a big impact on the gaming world and bring Blizzard into the 2020s with a new flagship MMO… and they missed.

They did some great things with the seasons but VoH was their last chance to make the biggest comeback in the gaming world… and they missed. Instead, it’s basically the “wait for the next expansion” expansion.

S7 is their last chance to, at the very least, make VoH entertaining for the next year and a half while they presumably work on their big comeback expansion.

There’s plenty of last chances but they keep missing all of them.


After all the issues over the last year and x months, I’m convinced that Blizzard has almost zero playtesters outside of the PTR (and, of course, no console playtesters). It’s frustrating to have all these issues, especially the bugs when releasing any new content. They seem to have learned well from Microsoft, fix one item with an update while breaking 3 others


It’s not almost, they have exactly 0 people, outside player base, to test anything. They don’t have QA team at all. Remember the seasonal quest in S5? Where you spawn after character creation, speak with the NPC and he tells you to go to talk to another NPC in the barn right outside the city. You go to the barn and what you see? 10 other players waiting to go inside, because the door doesn’t open. The whole thing from spawning after character creation to the barn takes 1:30min At Most! Which tells you that they didn’t even bother to start the game to see if it’s working. Just ship it and yolo…


Oh yeah, I remember that absurdity! Tbh, I was just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I suspected as much

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The only feedback they listen to and care about is Streamers feedback

Thats why, even when S4 and S5 were huge successes by improving QOL issues, they did a 180 degree turn with S6, focusing on giving content for the elite players, with things barely anyone asked for

Its quite clear who they listened to when making S6


Basic campfire for prime evil!

We can do the iconic

This is blizzards LAST chance.


Dude, these hyperbolic posts are getting ridiculous.
People cry wolf so much and then wonder why they aren’t being taken seriously.


Nah no more chances! Had enough with the greeds! They will never learn.


Not really. I plan to play S7 regardless.

Actually, it’s pretty factual.

Please elaborate on what was exaggerated about it.

Also, since you clearly have done more contributions for the bettering of the game than I and many others and know very well what is like all your feedback being blatantly ignored, please post here the links of your own constructive criticism long threads, so we can compare notes.

I’ll leave mine here:
S7: ALL the changes needed for S7 & beyond (Long form Write-Up)
S4: S4 Write-Up Feedback (32 lvl 100 Chars, 1100h of play, 6 pax)
S5: Final PTR feedback v2.0 - Top 16 needed changes to guarantee S4 is a success
S6: PTR review & Key feedback for S6 [240h, 5 players] - Longform Write Up

I’m sure you have more & better ones. Looking forward to comparing notes.


My feedback is quitting the game. It’s the only feedback they will listen to. Don’t spend another dime on this game until they fix the issues.


I’m not sure how many teams are working on the game, and I won’t even get into the push to make D4 more like D3 since some players actually enjoy that. Let’s focus on itemization instead. In Season 4, we saw the loot reborn with tempering and masterworking, which was exciting at first because it felt new. Then, in Season 5, they moved the tempering manual around, even though the community voiced how much we disliked bricking items. They also buffed uniques, which don’t require tempering.

Now in Season 6, the Scroll of Restoration, meant to be a rare drop, is just another item cluttering stash space. And ancestry has become the latest endgame chase, making Mythic gear with the right Greater Affix (GA) necessary to complete a build. For instance, you need enough cooldown reduction to trigger your ultimate or GA life to power up certain builds. And yet, bricking is still an issue.

They were trying to improve itemization, yet they once again make players harder to get endgame gear.


Game is death. Check Twitch…nobody plays except desperados and streamers, Is under 3K viewers!


I gave up giving detailed feedback to Blizz after season 1. Stuff that is broken is still unfixed, they just don’t listen until the air raid sirens are going off.


It’s the last LAST chance.

It makes sense —> Microsoft, headcount control, cost control & etc…

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