"Endless RNG Hell: Why Diablo 4's Temper System is a Complete Nightmare"

The temper temper system in Diablo 4 is extremely frustrating due to its excessive reliance on RNG. Here’s why:

  1. Repeated Unwanted Stats: Players often get the same useless stat after multiple rerolls, making it feel like the system is broken.

  2. No Reset Option: Once you reroll, you’re stuck with whatever you get. There’s no way to revert to the original stat, so a bad roll is permanent.

  3. No Control or Strategy: There’s no way to influence the roll, meaning players have zero control over the outcome, turning it into a frustrating gamble.

This level of randomness, with no option to reset or safeguard resources, makes the temper system feel punishing rather than rewarding.


All I will say is it’s better than the previous system we had. Now I will admit it goes against their philosophy of being able to reroll to your hearts content. Considering Enchanting and Masterworking have that option.

However it’s also more precise as well, even if it doesn’t feel that way. For example if enchanting had the option to only pick between 4 affixes when you rerolled, it would probably have more stipulations. Masterworking chooses between 5, but it’s also choosing between those 5 three different times. Making it much harder to land on the same affix three times in a row.

Now your particular points have been brought up numerous times on these forums, there’s quite literally over 100 posts with thousands of replies complaining about the tempering system. The devs have already responded though, more than once. We’re also getting the reroll scrolls.

So with all that in mind I don’t see them making any immediate changes to the tempering system. Possibly in the future, or by the next expansion, can’t say for certain though. Good luck either way.


“deterministic crafting”
please no. please. no matter how bad the RNG/gambling seems. please no.

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See theoretically i agree completely with you. Yet somehow, d4 devs happened, and often this is precisely what i get anyway.


I’m sure you know this, but you are not alone.

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Also agree with this completely; the only way i have seen this implemented cleanly is probably monster hunter’s crafting system, and thats only because they put the rng filter on the fight drops so its not really fixed.

What d4 has now seems fine enough, maybe put the rng check on each attempt and not like instance/character oriented? Idk, im not good at code so i cant speak to that.

Yes, bricking sucks, but I’d argue it’s nothing compared to the emptiness of having something handed to you.


Rolled the same worthless stat EVERY attempt on my 3ga…

Smoke Grenade radius, smoke grenade radius, smoke grenade radius, smoke grenade radius, smoke grenade radius, smoke grenade radius… Brick.

I was upset and mentioned it in the trade chat.

You know what my response was?

Barrbariun1: ?;?-:BUYitemsNOWd?o?t- win,lBossMatzCheapN0W comeby2buy$$$winAgaib


:rofl: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Ok boomer

1950s character

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Yeah i think the way the majority of the player base feels about Tempering is pretty apparent at this point. I think it was good that they added extra rolls for items with more GA. I think it was good that the pools per recipe was somewhat narrowed, I think it is even better that they are adding the temper reset scrolls.

All that said I have bricked somewhere between 20-30 2/3 GA staffs trying to replace 1GA one I got in Week1. I am still using said week 1 staff with dookie rolls but at least they are the right stats, so with that experience in mind, I don’t think that 1 Temper reset per item goes quite far enough.

I’m hopeful for more adjustments to this system in the future and glad they are not completely ignoring how painful this system is in the short term.