Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

The items’ power-level spread is too wide, it needs to be narrower and offer items with higher power levels than your current average power level. 99% of the items we find we either don’t pick-up, we sell, or we reduce. There isn’t a whole lot of enjoyment coming from the items to be quite frank. Is it possible that we miss a potential upgrade? Yes, absolutely. We are being trained to ignore most of the items because they rarely are an upgrade. So naturally, sticking to your guns for the 1% of items is a hard pre-disposition to keep up with.

For instance, my wand is power level 809. The number of ancestral/legendary wands that I have found with higher power level than 809 is almost non-existent. I mostly obtain wands power level 700-760ish at level 84. Same story for my off-hand focus. It goes to say that going for a staff instead of a main-hand + off-hand combination is easier, but not necessarily better.

We would be more incentivised if gear that dropped were in the power level range [current item power level - 5, current item power level + 2], with a chance of pushing the upper bound between +5 and + 10 (up to the maximum power level).

As it currently stands, on average the item power level of items we find is worse than what we currently have equipped. We feel it, and it’s horrible.

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