Enchantment buff ideas

My ideas for this stem from the lack of build diversity sorcerers have faced since launch. This is apparent in 2 ways: 1. Most builds make use of 3/4 or 4/4 defensive skills and 2. Most builds use fire bolt enchantment.

I’ve seen the attempts to remedy the first issue I listed with the change to the tactician glyph and, while it is getting increased use, most builds still use either 3 or all 4 defensive skills, so maximum uptime on the buff is never achieved. There’s also the new aspect that buffs you when you have NO defensive skills slotted but I have yet to see this get any actual use.

The second issue I listed hasn’t been addressed in any way and is the primary reason for my ideas. With 2 enchantment slots, one of which is basically guaranteed to be fire bolt, most of the enchantments have never been used. This has been painfully evident for me while trying to come up with off-meta builds, particularly conjuration builds. So many skills and enchantments look like they would synergise so beautifully with one another but the loss of access to damage/resistance to burning affixes and or tal rasha/elementalist stacks is a major trade off.

So here’s where the first idea come in:

  1. A third enchantment slot dedicated specifically to a single basic attack.
    Opening up the rest of the skill tree already requires 2 skill points invested into basic attacks. With this, most builds can continue to see the benefit of fire bolt while unlocking the benefit of additional CC from chill application, or CD reduction, or additional crackling energy formation. Or stick with 2 points in fire bolt and make use of an enchantment you never thought to use before.

Having to take a basic skill that will almost never actually get slotted onto your bar also brings up my next idea:

  1. A third enchantment slot that can be used for ANY skill, but like in the original iteration of the system, this skill can’t be actively used.
    This could allow us the benefit of survivability from not slotting defensive skills, since some enchantments would allow them to proc on their own. Or allow for the synergy I mentioned before.
    As an example: frost nova enchantment is lucky hit proc when conjurations deal damage. With conjurations consistently triggering frost nova for you, you can move it off your bar and gain an extra 4 seconds on your tactician buff.
    So many builds I’ve tried experimenting with on calcs just didn’t work out because I would always need a 7th active skill that would almost always trigger automatically with its enchantment but giving up fire bolt would be detrimental to performance.

The last idea I have serves to round out my proposed 3rd enchantment slot with the paragon system.

  1. Enchantment master updated to bigger buff if the third enchantment slot is unused, allowing that paragon node to maybe (finally) get some use, or a smaller buff exclusive to the 3rd slot. Alternatively, some variation of these could also be applied to the enchanter glyph or something. I mostly just thought through the first 2 points and had this as an after thought.

I hope this might at least give someone on the dev team some inspiration for updates to my favorite class. Let me know your thoughts.

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This is outdated, firebolt is not mandatory since Critical strike is nerf as additive damage so Devouring Blaze not giving you much benefit. You can skip it or just use other non enchantment method to set enemy on fire.

I don’t use many defense skill in my Blizzard, arc lash, frozen Orc or flameweaver. I only need flameshield for emergency situation, TP is a mobility skill which is the best skill in the game and exclusive to sorcerer. I only use Ice Armor if I have nothing else to put to fill up the skill slots.

Devouring blaze is the same multiplier before and after the crit rework. It’s still good and why firebolt enchantment needs to be changed or other enchantments buffed

Devouring Blaze multiply your critical damage which is additive, not multiply your total damage. Thats the different before and after. Critical strike damage is fix at 50% after S2 change, any additional critical damage from any source include Devouring Blaze will be added to the common additive damage bucket and get diluted.

devouring blaze is not additive and never was…

Yes crit is 1.5 base multiplier since season 2.
devouring blaze is another 1.3 multiplier for critical hits, so 1.5 * 1.3 = 1.95 for critical hits

i am not going to argue or explain it further than that, you can read guides or watch youtube if you want to learn more.

You can test it in Dummy and compare the damage. Or you can watch youtube those completed AOZ T25 not using fire bolt enchantment but Ice blade as the damage from DB is not much. If you want to continue use this skill is your own decision to not have a min max build.

Why don’t you open back the dialo client and check the skill description again?

Devouring Base

You deal 21% increased Critical Strike Damage against Burning enemies. If they are also Immobilized, this bonus is increased to 30% .

If you ever use Grandfather then you will know it works the same way.

The Maxroll guy Ava as well as many other people already did way more testing. I believe them. Usually if something is additive when it is ‘x’, it’s a bug. Blizzard fixes a few of these and introduces new damage bugs every season.

Can’t post links, but you can find it:
maxroll.gg in-depth-damage-guide#multiplicative-damage-sources-header

I cant see Devouring Blaze in the link. It is very simple if you have a Barb or Necro, equip the Grandfather which it says give you 120x Critical Strike Damage. And then check your character stat which you will find the increase of Additive Critical Strike Damage. It works the same way as DB. Critical Strike is fixed at 50% damage, nothing can increase this multiplier.

You can check this link


i already didn’t want to argue with you, but the problem is you are relying on character stat sheet, it is not reliable, you have to do real tests, which the people at Maxroll did, disproving a lot of stat sheet theories. And like I said earlier, if it turns out to be additive, then it’s a bug. That was the whole point of season 2, to simplify how damage buckets worked. There’s just one additive damage bucket, and everything with an x, is a separate global multiplier.

You can check this link


I also don’t want to argue with you. You can continue believe what you think is.

I tested Devouring Blaze every season, I don’t rely on other plp test.

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