Elemental gernades idea

Would be cool if your nades would have ways to apply imbuements.

Not every nade but perhaps have a x% chance to drop an imbued nade.

Maybe a paragon node, aspect, or add to unique… to have the chance to drop…

This can be on skill cast, by evading, using cooldown, using ult, casting imbue, applying an imbue, etc…
There could be some really nice synergies with this now.

(This idea can also be applied to smoke bomb as well)

It would be cool if more skills in general could be imbued. More options the merrier!

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Yes most def.
Imbuements are practically the main thing.
Should even be able to imbue and imbuement… meaning having 2 or 3 imbuements active at the same time…

Rather annoying they overwrite each other