Echo of lilith needs to be fixed

There are no indications as to where the abilities will land, how, or when.

Lilith flies in the air, you see around 3 lines on the ground for 0.2 seconds before one wave spawns DIRECTLY on top of you and instakills you. If you dodge that one, well goodluck cause theres like 5 other waves covering the whole entire area, if you accidentally dodge outside of the ring, welp you’re still instakilled.

There is absolutely no safe area to be. There are no viable ways of dodging as using skills with unstoppable have cooldowns and lilith spams her onshot wave attacks every 5 seconds, only to drop down for half a second before going back up and doing it again.

Its NOT fun. Please. Fix it. So many people are complaining that the abilities aren’t well telegraphed and again “no indication” are the words people keep using when describing these wave attacks.

I wish on some of these platforms, the moderators would not silence the people speaking speaking out about this otherwise you’d see an overwhelming amount of feedback about this specific issue and it would be fixed in a timely manner and wouldnt be swept under the rug.

There is absolutely NO way of defeating lilith if you’re entertaining her mechanics. People just copy/paste the same op cookie cutter builds and kill her in 5 seconds BEFORE she does that nonsense and to me thats just not fun.

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She needs to be nerfed as she is too OP.

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Thank You. This helped me a lot. Lilith was the last one from the Season 3 journey.

^ That, I’m using necromancer, and also I’ll just leave this here.

PC players will also switch between PC and Console forums, because they out DPS console players and can easily make videos saying they were 30 lvls under to kill Lilith. Blizzard knows the DPS isn’t the same between platforms and keeps silent on this even when the console player follow the exact build guide (or a better build). You’ll never hit in the millions/billions and will constantly die until they patch Lilith waves to not instakill. As a console player, reconsider buying another title from blizzard as you the console player will be put last on the support queue, you the console player will be last to participate in any ptr feedback even though the game is “cross platform”.

A lot of things in the endgame are focused on the most “pro” player, or those who copy builds from those “pro” players. Unfortunately this content is not for casual players, I believe that the vast majority don’t even do these endgame bosses and even the new trial content.

100% correct.
I played my own build of fire mage, not optimized in the slightest. Could maybe clearl NMD40 at best.
Couldn’t help on any bosses aside from worl boss.
Switched to a cookie cutter build with optimization in mind.
Quadrupled my damage at the very least.
STILL can’t scratch lillith beyond 25%

Need me to beat her for you? Lol.

She’s so easy now in season 4 it’s crazy. Literally the easiest content in diablo 4. Pit 200 is about to make you cry.