Easily reproduceable bug - Double Swing bug near walls of any kind

I have put hundreds of hours into D4 this season, primarily playing Double Swing Barbarian. This core skill seems to be problematic around walls, a lot.

Whether thats a waller elite or just environment walls in general.

If you get too close or are at the wrong angle when attacking a mob near a wall, the damage output drops significantly. You completely lose a large portion of your damage output. It’s almost as if your attack speed just disappears or only half of the damage you deal is registered.

I didn’t post about this before because I was trying to see if it was another issue but, this issue occurs every single PIT run.

If someone at blizz just plays around with double swing twisters and attacking mobs near walls at different angles, you will be able to see what I mean.

If this is not a bug, it’s not clear at all what is happening to cause the steep drop in damage.