Earthbreaker Ring Dead on Arrival

The ring doesnt work with landslides procced by trample or poison creeper.

Its basically useless for the only viable landslide build which is trampleslide or creeperslide

Unless its changed its auto salvage


Oof hopefully that’s just a bug. Does the affix “Chance for landslide projectiles to cast twice” work with trampled earth and subterranean?

so much for opening things up

So it’s primarily for those who manual spamming Landside? Is there even a build for hard casting Landslide?

There is not. Its ridiculous. They created items to make landslide stronger and then just decided to create a ring that has no synergy with them.

I doubt they will fix or change this.

It would be cool if it was not on cast but on the damage part of land slide. This way it could prov also with the aspects , very easy fix tbh

Looks like nothing changed from the notes. Maybe it is undocumented but it is really DoA . Shame for the dev time…

I’m with blizzard on this one. Start low so things can get buffs later. Instead of start high then nerf that thing because it overperform. Because you know, no one likes nerf. But buffs are always welcome.

The problem is that the Druid is in a horrible place, boring to level, slow, aesthetically unattractive character despite having reasonable damage, doesn’t stand out at all when compared to the other classes

Blizz Urgently needs to do something that puts the Druid in the top tier.

Druid, Literally had no significant changes during all this time since launch other than getting nerfed

I was really hoping they at least tweaked it some. Alas, didn’t happen. I understand starting off low and slow. I can get behind that ideology, but not touching it at all makes you wonder if they even LOOKED at it.

A good example was Razorplate and the ptr. IT was absolutely evident to everyone that when blizz rolled out the itemization for ptr they just missed razorplate. But they immediately threw up a notice that they saw it was “bugged”. lol

This is not to say that the ring is bugged. It is totally viable as a core skill spammer that can do decent damage. The problem is that it doesn’t synergize with any of the other landslide build mechanics, making it not optimal. In a game where min maxing is KING. Anything that doesn’t synergize is a waste to the informed player base.

Druid is arguably top tier but relies on the stupid shepherd aspect setup. They need to address that imo.

Right. Normally, blizzard ship out a new playstyle with a Unique and some legendary aspects or glyphs.
I just feel like this is one of those items where players are trying very hard to fit the item into their own build rather than making a totally complete different setup with the ring in the forefront.