Earn Gifts of the Tree in Mother’s Blessing

Earn Gifts of the Tree in Mother’s Blessing

Earn Gold and Experience at increased rates, plus earn bonus Gifts of the Tree caches during Mother’s Blessing Week.

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You know, there is a reason that Brevik’s ideas for Diablo were not the ones used. He wanted a turn based RPG, not a real time action ARPG. He wanted things slower, he would not have done D2 the way D2 was done or D3. His own adventures with games have not brought in the audience you seem to think want those games. As famous as he is, if there was a market for it, he would have had it.

He is not even against fast paced games

While he still seems to be a fan of fast-paced ARPGs, Brevik also has some apparent criticisms about the current state of the genre, indicating that sometimes the pacing is a little too fast

The question is, how fast is too fast? That is more a modern society issue than a specific game issue. Everything is instant. Not sure how you reverse that in society.


What a bunch of nonsense. Trying to excuse bad design with societal issues is yet another reason Blizzard is getting away with it. Meh.

“Well, actually, it’s not Blizzard’s fault society is this way.” :crazy_face:

But hey, at least we know why D4 is bad according to the forums. It’s because of SOCIETY! :joy::joy:


With seasons being 3 months a 40-50 hour gameplay timesink for 100% completion is to fast imo. It just cheapens the overall experience.

But everything in d3/d4 targets casual bob with 50 jobs, 70 kids and 4 wives.

The days of blizzard making a good arpg is over.


Evidently so, yeah.

Why is it so hard for some people in here to admit that? Blaming the players, society and everything in between EXCEPT Blizzard is madness.


I have a counterproposal - how about a week of “Momma’s bugfixes”. We’d carve through the ranks of the Battlepass when our builds actually work as described. We sh%t you not.


Thtas a nice one. That means everyone (no exceptions… even your pets) will be level 300 after February 18–February 25 thx to the XP bonus :star_struck:

"Oh look, they did a thing. Let’s attack that thing along with everything they’ve ever done. "

  • You people

Why is it so hard for people to move on from a video game? Also I see equal blame toward Blizzard on here from all sides, not from everyone mind you, but definitely a good amount. Blizzard ultimately has the say in how they shape their video game. Now this is definitely influenced by outside sources, i.e. the player base, but that doesn’t mean these outside sources are the only ones to blame, to insinuate otherwise would just be asinine.


There’s no evidence that new/young players want everything fast. If you take a look at the best selling, most acclaimed titles in the RPG genre of the last 5 years you’ll see games like Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate, Dragon’s Dogma, Monster Hunter, and the list goes on. All these games are NOT giving you everything fast, at all.


Yeah c’mon Blizz, stop targeting filthy casuals with x wives/jobs!

Instead target the man children with 0 real life responsibilities that can afford to play a video game for hundreds if not thousands of hours every 3 months! Mom has those bills handled!

Speaking of which, let me go yell at mine, woman still hasn’t brought me my juice box!


…dont let her forget the tendies, too. :smiley:


Oh she knows better, right now I have two words for you that better be in my hand in the next 2 minutes-Capri. Sun.

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It’s not just about being fast. There are fast games that are still challenging and fun to play, like pretty much any speedrunning game.

D4 is fast but not challenging. It’s one of the easiest games on the market.

5 mins later… Capri-Son enters the room :see_no_evil:

I point fingers two places

  1. The community that cant stop crying the moment there is minimal friction or something without instant gratification
  2. Blizzard for listening and implementing all these aweful changes

At the end of the day buck stops with blizzard. They could easily grow a spine and say no, but they wont.


This is such a terrible take its embarrassing.

First at the end of the day , Brevik ultimately decided that letting go of the turn based idea, was what’s best for the game. He didn’t double down, he took feedback, listened, and implemented it. Diablo 2 is still one of the pinnacle examples of an ARPG because of that decision.

They had something that worked. They decided to change the formula because the old way was inefficient in extracting as much money from the player as possible. Its not the players who changed , its the gaming companies and developers. No longer were they satisfied with JUST selling millions of copies, they HAD to find a way to get that sweet sweet WoW reoccurring / residual money. - Blaming anyone but the designers and the corporate suits for poor design decisions and sucking the fun out of the game is just some straight up White Knighting. Stop. Please just stop.

There are plenty of examples of fast paced, slow paced, medium paced games that sell copies, AND are universally agreed upon to be good games. All you have to do is MAKE A GOOD GAME, and the money will come. They decided they had to force the issue. This is how we got here. Take your propaganda elsewhere- because Blizzard has been going down this route for a while , and I for one am glad people are waking up to it .


heh heh what was their solution to make people come back, to shower them with even more loot and gold. We don’t need any more of that; we need fun gameplay systems and a little bit more challenge in the game.

Well, nobody is forcing me to play, so I won’t :slight_smile:


It’s literally designed to be addictive.


I’d love to earn bonus XP… if only I could play the game.

Currently there are serious issues plaguing HC. Monsters can wander into towns and kill you while you’re doing things like tempering. Despite claims that it was fixed the Twilight witch power shield still self-reflects damage killing you. There’s also a bug where players can kill players in non-PvP zones. So, yeah, play to gain XP vs. getting killed by silly bugs? That’s a “not gonna do it, wouldn’t be prudent” from me.

So before putting in events that last a week or two you might want to spend some of your obviously limited programming budget FIXING THE DAMN GAME.