Early PS5 players screwed?

Got in at about 9:45 am today for 10 minutes before getting kicked. Been trying to que since 10:00am, it’s now 10PM, have not been able to play. Absolutely pathetic. Seems to be a bad issue with PS5 early players. Anyone else have this problem?


Yup we all do. The server is Redding us as still logged on so when we go to auth it never connects


Yup, this entire thread Specific issue with users who played once, got disconnected, and then perpetually queued


same thing been waiting 12hrs


Same thing happens to me I went the the 1 min time just a bit ago and I im siting in a queue that does not have a estimated time

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So I think I’ve found a way out of the red ring of queued, but I know it’s not for everyone.

I had the same issue as a lot of you with being booted after the initial 10 minutes post launch and spent all day in queues, one up to 6 hours. I’m on a PS5 in Australia. I read someone in a thread mentioning that it was a Battlenet error where the system was recognising the account still logged in for some reason or another. My Battlenet account is linked to my PS5 and Xbox accounts, so I logged in from my partner’s Xbox (they’ve a preorder as well) and it failed the first time BUT … the second time worked.

I think it failed the first time to force my other “session” to log out and I’ve had no issues since. I’ll put this in a few threads so, if you have a way to log in from a different device on your Battlenet account, it’s worth giving a try.

I hope this helps some of you!

yes, i have the same problem have not been able too play at all and no feedback from blizzard yet

Yup ton of us reported on another forum.

I have a PS5 and logged in at shortly after 11am central (beta start) and managed
to get in after a mere 1 hour queue (from here in Texas) and played till about 5pm so about 5 hours with no issues other than apparant memory leak causing some stutters in last hour of play. Tired anyway so logged out.

It is now midnight and logged in again just now and had like NO Queue to fuss with.

So I missed all the alleged PS5 only issues you all seem to have had.


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Yea I’m definitely in the queue loop

Any of you guys getting serious latency issues like delayed skills, stuck in place, unable to interact etc?

Yeah same. It’s an absolute sh*t-show. At this rate I’m almost tempted the cancel my Pre-Order because this is ridiculous.
Managed to get in at the start, played for 5 mins. Got booted.
Now I can’t get back in.
You’re not alone, trust me

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No were not getting past queued

I am joining you as another who have this issue. We bought the game to have early access a play it among the first and nobody from blizzard cares

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I have been stuck in the queued loop since yesterday. Its super frustrating since has been more then 12 hours.

I’ve tried 3 times now for 4-6 hr. It says less than a minute queue. Then it says queued and never launches with no timer. It’s really dissappointing. I’m glad i didn’t preorder this crap. And it’s sad they’ve tied rewards for this terrible content. I feel bad for those who preordered. I understand that betas can have lots of issues. But when the devs don’t respond or let people know they’ll be able to get the rewards. It’s pretty sad. And i was defending Blizzard the whole time, and was hoping to prove my friends wrong and that I could recommend this game. But i simply can’t. I was so looking forward to this game too. But now I’ve lost all interest.