You teleport immediately just as you do now. The runes are subsequent actions. Since you’re making a reference to teleport let’s bring up what I had before as an example.
Yes, with aspects or whatever else that makes cooldown abilities spammable there’s a conflict. Not sure what to do about that at the moment. I think that’s their attempt to maximize the excitement within these games’ constraints, which is neither here not there. Sure, it’s nice spamming abilities, but it also doesn’t make gameplay that much more interesting, just speeds it up, although that can be significantly more fun. How often do they do this and with how many abilities? Is there a video of this new meteor build? All of the things I’ve experienced and watched are so dumb, writing of abysmal design. Hell, just today I saw a youtube video about a fun build that the youtuber admitted is very simple. What about this game isn’t abysmally simple that you do on a never-ending loop?
Maybe the answer is you would have to try this concept in a seasonal setting where you can extract things that are incompatible with it and adjust the game to it. No great answer. Perhaps that is most appropriate anyway as adjustments may be extensive, but it’s a big investment ask. The first step would be to determine if it’s feasible, then test it as basically/barebones as possible internally to see how it feels.
So It waits after I teleport. That is a bit better but there are other issues with this as well in that I dont see players really using different runes in different situations. I just see players liking one and using it over and over. Everyone would actually pick wormhole in that example and at that point its just better as an out of combat ability that only remaps the same slot and not 4 slots.
I admire the attempt but it just wont work. Now if you want each ability to just remap itself like you pick something out of combat and then use it in combat I can see that with an option to use nothing as well. Sort of a combo of D3 and your system I give a But remappin 4 buttons is a hard no.
Well, if it’s actually advantageous to use different options in different situations that goes a long way. That’s where enemy encounters factor in. It can also be a matter of experiencing different gameplay. Ironically, I thought Wormhole may be the least preferable of the three.
Too dumb. You just have it be the entire ability like in D3. You are really missing the potential. I’ve written this before, I believe whoever employs a system like this first will be a trend-setter. The gaming market has been too stagnant for too long and people are hungry for more advanced gameplay. This would deliver it, dependent on execution…
I see the potential I am saying its just not realistic to remap 4 buttons for multiple inputs esp with the runewords as well. Most of this has to be automated to work.
PPL use teleport to move around quickly out of danger. Wormhole would be the most popular option by far. Other choices would have to be seriously op to counter. This is an issue with this system using it in combat. Best choices would become meta and then the dynamic part is gone. This is esp true taking your next part into play with runewords as you have more keys to hit. This has to be automatic. This is too many inputs to cast 1 skill.
Anyways I have said too much here. Good luck with more designs!
Automation would defeat the entire point. The point is for players to be empowered meaningfully, and that happens by having their play make a difference rather than simply increasing their math as a function of time. The power fantasy in this game is so nonsensical I didn’t even suspect this term as a reason why people play. The stupidity of the experience struck me as overwhelming, and that was watching PoE.
I played the swinging balls sorceress last season and used teleport offensively to move into enemies. Pretty sure I wasn’t the only one. There is a strong suggestion for the ability to be used in such a manner.
There doesn’t have to be a best choice, at least not the same one in all situations.
Each input is essentially one skill. The skills we’re discussing are just related.
That isn’t really the intention. With the dynamic trees exiting and reentering is rather straightforward (maybe just using an additional toggle button for entry and exit makes the most sense, removing a connection to any ability button and using a straightforward cooldown). With the dynamic runes or actions related and subsequent to normal abilities there’s more of a problem in that maybe if you return to the normal abilities you may have to abort the remaining follow-up.
The biggest problem is present-day Blizzard is so stultified they can’t really make any actually creative decisions or experiment with something new. The unoriginality of this game down to copying things from the past is a testament to the transformation of the company. Not coincidentally Blizzcon is canceled. There’s no longer anything to justify celebrating this company, except the money they make.
I think you vastly overestimate the general gaming community’s ability to handle complex systems (see Season 4’s gear changes) as well as gamer’s desire for “new” and “innovative” games (turns out, we kinda just want more of the same!)
Many of the most successful games are those with a high ceiling for challenge and often complexity. Furthermore, there is a difference between words and reality. What may seem complex in words may not be nearly as complex in experience.