Dungeons worst in history of games

So I am having a hard time playing these dungeons. Not because they are hard. But because they are boring. They are bad. They are repetitive. They are backtracking.

Like they specifically promised after the betas that they were “listening to feedback” and “less dead ends” and “no backtracking”. That was obviously a lie. Literally almost every dungeon I’ve played has had dead ends and backtracking.

Then even beyond that. They have dozens of “dungeons” but they aren’t all dungeons. Some are just “collect 3 things” while others are just “kill 3 elites” or even “free 6 prisoners”. My favorite is “kill mobs”. None of these have bosses.

Even the ones that have bosses are “3 things” and then when you get to the boss it’s just the same boss from the last one.

5 dungeons repeated 60 times more like it. They should have gone for quality over quantity. Diablo 4 never needed to be “open world” and “120 dungeons”.


Someone hasn’t played Void Ark in FFXIV lol, there’s more tedious and awful dungeons out there…

At the same time, yeah? The ones where you do a bunch of side objectives you think are leading up to a boss, but they don’t, that’s it… They’re definitely filler.


Free prisoners, Slay all enemies, kill guards or animus collectors, return stuff to pedestals. They aren’t fun especially since it doesn’t change for dungeons the same dungeon usually is the same thing over and over


So in every game ever made in the history of gaming…D4 is the worst?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Gawd ya’ll blizzard fanboys are on one today.


I kinda wish they were more story oriented like in Immortal or WoW with cool boss voice lines but that would probably become repetitive and people would complain that they can’t stand those voices over and over.


Clearly he was exaggerating, but the dungeons are still terrible.


So get a refund and get out of the forums


Could you give me a list of your favorite 10 dungeons? How about 5? What sets those apart front the other 100 dungeons with only 5-6 different layouts for all of them? Sounds fun to run them each 500+ times for max level, lot of variety!


I mean I dont mind the dungeons.

Why they opted to make like 100+ static dungeons rather than utilizing the great rift system from D3? Who knows. Id have preferred rifts tbh. I dont mind the dungeons though. Their events kinda suck, and most look the same as others in the region, so again not sure why so many static dungeons.

A lot of very baffling design choices with this game…lots…


Because they tried to invent something new not copy the same system to the third game in a row. Also D3 and Immortal are getting hate for years, adding rifts here again could result in outrage and would just be uncreative.


If they for some reason feel like they need to keep tedious and pointless objectives in NM dungeons, at least get rid of the backtracking. I just want to slay monsters, who on this earth actually think its fun running around back and forth collecting boxes just to be able to get through a door?


Spamming the world with samey static dungeons was inventing something new? Rifts was something new, this isnt.


They really revolutionised it with the backtracking and box collecting. Must have taken a lot of brain storming at the Diablo HQ.


People don’t want rifts and there were complains for years that they are just boring. People wanted PoE like maps with modifiers so thats what they went with in D4 in form of Nightmare Dungeons.

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I agree… leave the objectives for normal if you must… but otherwise just remove the objectives an let you move through killing as you see fit. Rush the boss? Fine who cares, kill everything? Sure. That lets you choose playstle depending on how bad the nightmare affixes are.(because most of those are just really annoying and dont add anything challenging or fun)

Wanted mmo style open world a rift system would not fit that

Sadly Nightmare Dungeons are dead in the coming patch and greater rifts return, because of laughably bad diablo 3 players wanted it returned. Imagine saying greater rifts was good and have any brain cells. That’s the community in the nutshell. They want to turn diablo 4 into diablo 3 and make people quit. They are succeeding.


At this point I’d rather have the option to go and kill campaign bosses over and over like I could in D2 than to do more of the D4 dungs.

I am already fed up with them, and Im not even 80 yet.


That’s been suggested, but streamers and the cuck fans that enjoy diablo 3 want to hard afk in town and do nothing again. I don’t remember the Duriel fight at all. I killed him in two seconds due to the build that I made with no assist! I have to see a youtube video of someone enjoying the fight. I want to do a harder Andy or harder Duriel and so forth.

Im 93… it doesnt get better. Especially when all glyphs you use are 21 and you’re just leveling up some others that may be useful in a different build.

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