Dswing barb hitting for over 1.5 - 2m

yah, issue with that is your dust devils spawn behind the mobs.

Gonna be hard killing elites.


Hemorrhage legendary passive could actually be dope on bosses, elites, and Lillith. The way it reads, itā€™s a permanent 15%[x] increased damage taken after theyā€™ve been affected by your bleeding for 3 seconds. Any fight that lasts more than 3 seconds will get a fat multiplier, that I assume is the same bucket as the 8%[x] increased damage taken from Revenge, so together, they should stack for a juicy 23%[x].

I canā€™t test it now, Iā€™m at work, but I think this is another chunky push for our damage.

He slowed down the video and showed it hitting the enemy in front of him. I personally donā€™t see the value in wasting 3 aspects for this in its current iteration, but the dude is doing high content and seems to like it. Itā€™s on YouTube as Barbnado if you want to check it out.

Would it be possible to have a builder link to your build please ? I really want to try it. Thank you.

I want the Korean guy whose running tier 89 dungeons with no shouts to post his build but he wonā€™t lol

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I mean, you can kind of guess what heā€™s doing. To get 10 second stuns, you need Exploiterā€™s and Smiting aspects with cc duration on your hat and boots. Heā€™s using Shared Misery to spread the stuns. Obviously Retribution, Accelerating, Might, and Iron Warrior. I would guess fury gen and lucky hit from WA since heā€™s using IM. Mortal Draw seems obvious too.

Yeah, itā€™d be nice if he would just post it, but you should be able to get close to replicating what heā€™s doing, or at least use it to enhance your own iteration.

He did a damn 92 btw. Savage. Stun is the best form of defense in the game, boys.

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SmashrTV on YouTube is also pushing high with double swing.
Iā€™ve switched to maces and polearm expertise
Also swapped deathblow for steel grasps and I canā€™t believe I only tried it now
Pull mobs, stomp, deleteā€¦ so much fun!


My goal is murder Lilith with my ds barb (not concerned about NM dungeons for now). Lvl 97 and was trying to figure out how to get more dmg and after looking at paragon this morning I saw when I get 100 I can drop 20% phys dng and the crit legendary node with 1h weapons and swap those for a 5th glyph. That should bump my dmg pretty well.

One thing that does suck is I was looking for aspects to increase my dmg and tried using the one that increases dmg when you stand still since you do that quite often. Turns out that even if you are right up on her, lunge prevents it from stacking.

Also, another weird bug is the glyph that increases dmg when swapping weapons. If I use lunge then ds, I get the bonus critting for 450-500k x2. But if I lunge twice to over cap rage, the most I can get is 100k x2.

I can sustain the Inner Calm bonus with Lunging by just holding down the X button (ps4) as long as I donā€™t touch the joystick.

What glyphs are you running? Have you tried Penitent Greaves and/or Butcherā€™s Cleaver on her to stagger quickly?

That glyph that gives damage when you swap weapons appears to just increase the next hit. It should have a duration.

do you have a link the the channel? google returns a ton of results for the wrong thing.

Im leveling a second char using maces with Bash and DS. up to 59 so far and it feel a lot better than the DS build i did on my first char at that point as 75% of everything is stunlocked.

Just got an item power 807 Ramaladni with a .2 - Iā€™m not sure if I have enough fury or keep it maxed enough for it to be effective yet. Guess Iā€™ll find out. I did also drop a perfect Motherā€™s Embrace in the same dungeon though. Too bad the affixes are terrible.

Does Ramaladni work off just total fury, or is it like Edgemasterā€™s and work off available fury when cast? The wording suggests just max fury, but Iā€™m not sure.

It works off available fury 99% sure.

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Yep, itā€™s how much you currently have when using a skill, including basic attacks. Also doesnā€™t account for how much rage your core skill takes. I know someone had wanted to do a basic attack build. I could see it being fairly decent if they got a .3 version of this and a lot of basic attack dmg.

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Iā€™ll be doing that for sure down the line. Still collecting pieces. I put the Ramaladni in my stash for now. Iā€™ll wait till I have 200+ fury, a better Umbral, and a better roll.

Here you go

What aspect should I put on my amulet?

Currently running DS, GS, Iron skin, steel grasp, iron maelstrom.

Disobedience seems mandatory for that slot. Up to 75% armor.

Depends, i put the speed on core one for 38% atk speed.

Amulet shpuld be saved for your 3rd most importsnt aspect.

2 handers are your big pew pew and amulet the one youd love to be big pew pew but no more 2 handers.

I put Accelerating on my other 2H for 50% attack speed (itā€™s 48% right now). What do you have there? Edgemasterā€™s?