Dry Steppes 32/33 Altar of lilith BUG

Hi, I will try to finish all the Altar of Lilith I find all Altar but in the Dry Steppes tellme 32/33 and I see my own map in the game and I see 33 Altar in the map so this a big BUG hope anyone can help to resolve this, if need any screenshot tellme I have been find the 33 altar in map but the game still count 32 HELP


Iā€™m experiencing the same thing.

Post a screenshot of your map showing all of the altars for that area.

So far, everyone who has reported this and shown their map, had simply missed one.

To post screenshots:

  1. Upload your image to a site such as imgur.com.
  2. Paste the link to your image into your post.
  3. Select/highlight the link and click the ā€œ</> Preformatted textā€ button in the toolbar.
  4. Your link will look like this: https://i.imgur.com/2fzVAF8.gif
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