Druids getting more Barb uniques than Druid Uniques

I know theres already a few discussions but I’m not seeing any blizzard responses or actions about this MAJOR issue. I’m not playing a barb, and everytime i get a unique its a roll of the dice, i currently have 2 for druid and 3 for Barb. Just a crumb of info that this is being worked on is all we’re asking.


are you responding to the right post?

I am getting same issue too :frowning: sucks to be druid hunting uniques atm.

Heres hoping someone at Blizz is looking at these issues, i know theres a few threads and still no mention.

Bumping this so someone can look into this

lets go blizz, just a little nugget of info.

Yep this indeed an issue. I have gotten 2 unique Druid weapons and a grand total of 7 barb unique weapons. As a Druid.

And just now, got my 8th Barb unique weapon. 4 upheaval, 2 Death Blow and 2 Steel Grasp ones.

I was about to post the same bloody thing. It’s driving me crazy! I’ve been farming druid unique helmet for storm werewolf build and all I’m getting are barbarian uniques this way out of hand! I’m currently level 88 and I haven’t seen A SINGLE helmet drop. Instead I’m getting TONS of Ancient’s Oaths, Hellhammers and Overkills.

Here is my screenshot of all the uniques I have dropped in the past three days farming like crazy. On the left you can see all the barbarian weapons, on the right you can see all the items I can use on my Druid (10 barb weapons, 2 druid weapons, 1 razorplate, 1 pants, 2 rings):

I completely lost all hope in making a proper build before hitting 100.

Yeah, same here. A lot of Barbarian weapons and Frostburn(s) with my Druid. I got more non-class related uniques than class related ones.

Posting hoping to elevate the exposure… grinding since 3 days after early access looking for the tempest roar and all I ever find are barb maces, I’m mid 80s already and feeling discouraged to even play anymore since I’ll just keep dropping barb stuff, about 80% of my unique drops are not for my class lol.

Blizzard can we pls get a respons to this? its very frustrating :frowning:

Lvl 96 druid here. How many overkills you got? Was it your first unique? 100% can agree i get wayyyyy more barb uniques than anything else. Its too weird its not any other class than barb. like no sorc ones or rouge just barb and a ton of zenith druid rings.

Blizz need to hurry tf with this man, how long are they going to go without even acknowledging that this is an issue.

Apparently they know it’s an issue, they need to hurry up and fix it…just got another barb weapon for a total of 2 barb weapons just today.

Same here, im trying to get my staff. Not every Barbarian 2 hand unique. Iv found 3 now, [Ancients’ Oath] , [Hellhammer] and [Overkill]…

Can someone from blizzard please address this ASAP. Every druid is affected by this issue. Yes, we know you are aware of the issue. Yes ,we know you plan to fix the drop issues in the “future”. Don’t plan to play until this is addressed. lvl 84 still no tempest helm.

I have a recommendation: Allow us to set what unique we want to farm. Or have a unique exchange vendor. Turn in 5-10 uniques in exchange for one you want.

I’ve been having the same issue. I’ve been farming for the tempest helm and unique staff, but I’ve only been fortunate enough to get Overkill 4-5 times and Hellhammer once or twice over the last few days. They really need to fix this soon. It really makes farming far, far more infuriating than it should be.

Ran regular T3 dungeons last night as a druid, had two uniques drop both of which were barbarian 2-H axes. Very demotivating. Please fix soonest and preferably offer random druid unique replacements to those who have experienced the same issue.