Druids are not fat

No such thing as big boned

Your Druid so fat jokes. :green_circle: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

Join in some druid fat fun

Yea once again they did drop the ball. Blizzard used to be non inclusive, have a sex, blood, and rock and roll attitude toward things, plus very dark and disturbing themes. I do not know what happened. Society wants blood, nudity, and violence. I do not see why most large companies do not conform. Smatter occult symbols everywhere for good measure, and for the love of God let us torture and massacre people in WoW within the storyline.

Only if you’re a Druid :laughing:

Oh BS. Lol. Can’t look at it hahahaha. Sure man. Whatever.

Most power lifters are far from obese. They ain’t healthy, but they are not obese.

I think you missed the definition of obese, they are most certainly obese

You haven’t got a clue what you are talking about. Read a book, do a Google search because you are embarrassing yourself.

Power lifters maintain 15 to 20 percent bf.

Look up the definition of obese again because you have egg on your face rn.

So the thread with the Druid fat jokes has been deleted, but this still exists.



Someone can be overweight and be strong, or weak, someone slim can also be fairly strong, or weak. Let’s stop the strongman argument, these Druids aren’t strongmen, they’re casters needing to shapeshift in order to do any sort of physical damage, so they’re not inherently strong. They’re not barbs.

The point is: we don’t care if people like playing a fat druid, good on you if you do! But, we also want the option to not play a fat druid.

Diablo Immortal had more character customization, with body customization too, a mobile game. Why can’t we have the same thing in a PC game like D4?!


Yes, they are fat, it has nothing to do with strongman build, sorry.


Yep they are incredibly fat.


1 year old Thread.

Mod pls close this


It doesn’t matter whether someone considers them fat or not. Druids are not appealing to play in terms of looks alone.


Jeebus. what is up with all these necro posts? Do people not know how to create their own?
Also… that’s Eddie “The Beast” Hall… and he is NOT a Druid lol.

Edit: If I ever make a druid, and I highly doubt it since the ones in D4 do not match any fantasy narrative of a Druid… from Tolkien to Forgotten Realms.

I shall name it “Pizza the Hut”.


I’d name mines “Dominoes” and use “landslide” as my main attack.


Yes, they are. Stop glorifying obesity.


I’m a barbie girl, in a druid body…

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He has spoken.
This is the way.

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Oh good god victim mentality alert, get over yourself. If a picture of a bigger dude, power lifter body type, in a video game makes you that emotionally damaged then maybe games aren’t for you. How weak willed and pathetic people have become. If WW2 happened right now, due to people like you, Germany would have owned the entire world. Keep in mind you’re complaining about this in Diablo 4 a game where people get butchered, eviscerated, maimed, sacrificed young or old which is all ok with you apparently. Yet this is what you’re going to draw the line on it so beyond selfish and laughable its just pathetic.

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