Druids are not fat

Except the druid literally has fat jigles when running. I would get if they looked like the mountain from Game of throne but this sh1t is absolutely rediculous.

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And that’s all fine and great that your wife thinks you’re strong. fact of the matter is, coming in at 250+lbs at a height of 6’1 means you are at the VERY least 50+lbs over weight. No sugar coating it and no amount of body positivity will make that fact cease to be a fact. Being able to look down and see your feet does not mean someone has a “movie star” body.

There are plenty of elite NFL linemen with pot bellies and visible fat.

There have also NEVER been any NFL players that acquired diabetes during their years of active service in the NFL.

So far during the COVID pandemic, ONE NFL player has been hospitalized for COVID (for 24 hours) and absolute no deaths in the NFL or any professional sports league. Given the strong interaction between COVID and obesity, this perhaps should mean something to the uneducated here.

In the past 30 years the following active NFL players have died due to disease:
Gaines Adams- enlarged heart
Thomas Herrion- Ischaemic heart disease (never actually played in the NFL, and was just on a practice squad)
Danien Nash- heart failure

3 NFL players have died due to disease in the past 30 years. I don’t have the numbers in those past 20 years, but 25,000 NFL players have played in the NFL since 1920. Using an extremely rough estimate, 25,000 divided by 100 years is 250 new players per year times 30 is 7,500 players in the past 30 years. Which seems to me about a good ball park number for the amount of NFL players in the past 30 years.

In the almost TEN THOUSAND NFL players that have played in the past 30 years, THREE active players have died due to diease.

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scratches head

Everybody is different and everybody Percieves things differently by what they believe in or what is right and wrong.

Personally, I think Druids should of had more of the Physique from Diablo 2.
considering ME THINKING that they believe in a type of Balance and not over do things (especially eating… in the Wild).

I don’t see how a Typical Naturistic (Is that a word???) Druid would get Big/Fat etc etc after eating nuts/fruits/fish and Animal meat.

Just my opinion…

The Barbarian on the other hand… >___>

Druid looks like diabetes and doughnut lard filled empathy character for those 1% types that would have cried without being “represented” in a game.


So true lol. I wanted to make a female druid then seen the Roseanne model and had to laugh. All the female druid options are unappealing

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I find that I don’t care about their bigness. I find the Barb kinda unattractive too.
I haven’t played a Druid yet and when I do I will choose the much maligned female druid. I do wish that they had a few more appealing face choices but not everyone is beautiful and you don’t have to be beautiful to be a hero.

Obesity often results from taking in more calories than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities. Whether or not strongmen are doing amazing feats the fact still remains. They are mostly fat.

It helps in hollywood

I guess. An olympic strength athlete, elite strongman, or NFL lineman can probably LITERALLY rip your arms off and beat you to death with them if you are 150lbs or lighter.

Most “fat acceptance” people are talking about the average overweight person. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about this weird perception on the internet now that every fat person is a pathetic out of shape loser. This is not an “accept my body” thing and more of a “sign on area 51warning that lethal force is authorized”

I don’t think anyone would call strongmen lazy. Most strongmen become strongmen because of their frame size or natural size.

Also 150lbs is pretty light for a male unless he’s like 5,8 or shorter lol

there is no such thing as “natural size” there is also this weird trend of “I don’t even work out” on the internet

no one naturally builds a large amount of muscle, it’s either the result of working out in a gym or living a very active lifestyle

the average weight for a male in Western Europe is 175lbs so you are objectively incorrect

the average weight for males in the 1950s in the United States was ~150-175lbs

a normal BMI of ~22 for a male that is 5’10" is about 150lbs

lol you literally proved me correct in your own statement. 25pounds is a lot as said 150 isn’t average it’s on the light side


human body weight can fluctuate ~10lbs due to things like water retention sometimes even within a span of 24 hours

25lbs on a human of average height is not going to make a significant difference in any metric

Are you mad? You can’t lose or gain 10 pounds in 24 hours where the hell do you get your information because it so incorrect

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Ok. I guess doctors are wrong then when they call you overweight by a couple of kg to put you in the unhealthy chart but what would they know right? I’ll show the doctors I know this forum tell them this is the metric they need to use

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Druid fatter than Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters.


And now anyone can be a Druid at Blizzcon. Some may need to add extra fluff to their garb, while others are just naturally fluffy.


Exactly how they run with high movespeed. Boing…Boing…Boing.

I average 4-6 +/- in any given work day. I also work hard and have a very hard job that I love. Paid to work out basically.
While 10 is extreme, I lost 8.5 in a day once. Scary time actually due to the negligence of ‘Standardization of Protocol, Procedure and ignorant Medicine’.
But I guess the other 79 guys in my platoon and the 3 Drill Sergeants who were in error with their blanket policy(via standardized medicine via idiotic medical industry “data”), initially in disbelief and disabused of said disbelief as well as their ignorance are all wrong.
It can happen in extreme circumstances with the wrong diet and right metabolism.

p.s. Regardless - ANY Obese Druid(which is what they are…bordering on corpulent) that begins at Level 1 and does all that they do to level 100 would easily lose upwards of 75-100lbs.