Druid vasilys prayer unique helm dropping lots of times?

I needed one but me drop barb axe instead…

I am on WT4 Bear #3 playing HC, now over lv80 again…

Not only can I not find a Tempest I cant even get that stupid Vasily to drop and am stuck playing an unfinished gimped pulv build.

Cant believe we are the only class with basic playstlye LOCKED behind a horribly rare drop that cant be target farmed.

No other class cares about it’s uniques as much, for them its fun/flavor for us… its just for some BASIC function - casting our spells in our freaking forms.


How are you on your second level 80? Genuinely curious as I’ve had the game since day before release and have over 160 hours played on my rogue and I just hit 80 earlier. I did take a full day for act 1, and another day to get the lilith statues, but still… the f? Do you know if there’s a point in killing monsters higher than 83? Do they give more exp? Srry. Just kinda butthurt

Played SC before HC too ~ before all the nerfs xp was much much … much faster.

Sadly I wasted most of the 1st week in SC when I should have been flying to 100 doing instead I was doing statue chores and watching cutscenes and re-rolling from necro then doing it all again HC which turns out is a joke.

Not much of a secret to XP - some dungeons are good, the rest of the game is absolute trash. Nightmare is a waste of time as normal dungeon scaling rewards more. Open world is a waste, Helltide is a waste, events are a waste…

Bliz claims they didn’t want this to be a korean-style repeat dungeon grindfest but that is exactly how they made it. Champion’s Demise before the nerf was more than 2x any other dungeon for xp ~ after that one came many others each nerfed day after day.
Iron Hold, Maugans, Eridu, … currently the flavor is Uldur Solo / Burrows Group there is no balance at all for xp reward and solo players will spend 4x as many hours.

I have done 95% of my playtime solo and angry at how much we are punished for it but I do have like 2 friends that haven’t ragequit already out of the 50 I had playing on release and we occationally do NMs together.

~Basically just find the FOTW dungeon that has higher elite density and focus grind it for a little bit of your playtime every day. It gets boring and repetitive quickly but an hour here an hour there and you progress 10x faster than playing the game as intended.

Or you can be one of those lazy T$@!% that are 100 in HC already - join a grindfest group that just lives in the same dungeon doing 45 second split runs with no challenge or effort for your entire day and then brag about how you beat HC! Awesome race bliz gave us.

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Lol I wish 1 would drop for me, I’ve had atleast 7 Tempest Roars, 1 with highest stat roll on all stats at ilvl 798, but not 1 counting 1 Prayer drop…and don’t get me started with the Spectral mount, Hunter Zenith or Mad Wolfs Glee. Like Blizzard wants me to go Storm wolf but I don’t want too.

Had this with the bone skill necro unique helm - four in one nights run.

I hear you, I have been farming NM Dungeons for the past week+ and haven’t gotten the bear helm yet. I do get tons of gear for storm skills and wolf build, I do not want to play werewolf.

The droprate of Vasilys prayer is significantly higher than from Tempest Roar, but it still is a very rare item for me.

I play since release and found one of them so far and 0 Tempest Roar.
The other druid uniques seem much more common than the helmets based from my luck

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Last day: Tempest, Razor and them Luck Gloves, Cronin Staff have all dropped. Game trying to push me somewhere. I insist on staying Human Lightning Druid only, Lvl 91 doing just find. I have not researched yet, what build to create with all my new found luck. I am telling yeah, go into the horrible dungeons, ones you rather not, It is how my luck changed, QUICKLY. Onyx something or another.

It’s all classes for the most part. Very few of any people are pushing late game without some unique that puts them over the top. Pop over to the Sorcerer forum and it’s Glacial Aspects, Barbs are upset about Razorplate, Rogues are kind of ok due to most builds being imprints. Necro I’m only 42ish so can’t comment and Druid is everyone wanting Tempest.

Drop rates may get a buff after they’ve introduced more legs to the pool. Until then they lack content so the chase is created through low drop rates.

Sucks man, it does. Hopefully your luck picks up.

Good luck!

Currently leveling a Druid as my second 100, 3rd over 90 character. I’m doing it to see if I can make it to 100 without getting the werewolf helm and cron staff. Currently I am 92 and here are my unique counts

29 insatiable fury
5 Vasily’s prayer
5 mad wolfs glee
3 waxing gibbous
2 frost burn
2 butcher
5 hunters zenith
4 mother embrace
2 temerity
1 fist of fate
1 storms companion.

I am playing as a werebear pulv. I want to play as a storm wolf before season so I can decide if I want to try it turning season, however this won’t happen lol. I have every class at 75 plus with over 500 hours in d4 and I truely believe that the wolf head and cron staff should be with the fabled 6 with their current drop rates for me. I also don’t know another class that are so dependent upon hard to get uniques for builds. This should have been addressed weeks ago, but hey at least we could get barb uniques for 2 weeks right?

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I have 100, 98, 57, 53 and a 18 already… i know there is streamer that has all five classes to 100.

Just being efficient with time. Being in a 4 man party doing NM dungeons is a lot of bonus xp. I did a lot of nm in a duo.

I group with a guy who has three 100’s already - as far as uniques go most are meh when forced into whatever I’ve built so far that I like. I keep them though and store them away.

I am Lvl 94 Human Druid Lightning Storm. I recently came across the staff and the roar helmet, you all saying it time for me to scrap this entire build and go with what? I keep seeing this common theme…

Got two razor plates, luck gloves, campaion pants, and staff in one dungeon.

Think there goes all my luck for the week or month

The complete opposite is happening to me. Im a pulverize Druid and need a better Vasilys… I’ve droped like 8 Tempest roar in the last two days and no Vasilys.

If it was possible ill trade you for my pile lol

Level 100. Full tornado build doing 70 NMD. Almost perfect gear/all perfect affix. I’ve had one tempest roar drop for me. It was at level 92

Was looking for Tempest Roar since release. Found one finally 2 nigts ago, and then Last night i found 2 in the same dungeon. Its not Diablo if the drops dont make you cry and jump for joy.

Took me to level 81 to get a Tempest drop and it rolled mins stats on every line

I quite literally hovered over unistall not less then four times when Vasilys dropped four times in a row

Not with any disrespect but Chat GPT could write better code with a sympathy features and previous drop recognition

I don’t think there is anything wrong with the drop rates except you can get on the wrong side of 50/50 roll several times in a row very easily.

I cant think of another class besides rouge daggers who share a unique on one item spot, as they add new uniques to classes overlapping item spots with build fun/strength tilted heavily one way this complaint will pop up again but I hope not for druids again.

The Tempest Roar hunt was a miserable experience