Druid Unique drop rates

I am currently playing a lvl 62 druid, beat the game around lvl 50, have done several tides, whispers and dungeons, and still the only unique I’ve got was Lilith’s ring when I killed her.
I play with other 5 friends, playing other classes, and all of them are lower level than I am, and have dropped 10+ uniques.
Is there anyone else experiencing the same thing?

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I’m not experiencing quite the same thing, but I am frustratedly waiting to get a specific unique to unlock the build I really want to try out. I’m only level 72, I’ve gotten probably 10ish uniques (multiple duplicates, nothing fancy).

My frustration really falls into not having a clear path to farming uniques. I’ve been doing Helltides; I’ve heard the Mysterious chests have a higher drop rate so I’ve been looking for those. I’m at a point where I’m just doing the endgame loop hoping to see that one unique item.

I’m not a well-versed ARPG player and I don’t have any Diablo experience, so my perspective doesn’t have any historical lens. That being said, if I don’t get my unique in the next 8 levels, I probably won’t be playing much longer than that. shrug

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Almost 95 druid here and I still haven’t gotten THAT unique. I have gotten 10+ barb uniques though…

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70hrs of game time and I’ve had 1 drop.

Level 69 Druid, not getting ANY unique drops despite only farming Helltides and night mare dungeon in both Tier 3 and Tier 4. It’s broken and Blizzard hasn’t acknowledged that it’s a problem anywhere that I can find.

I am level 68 and i have only unique drop maybe 3 but i have not seen any drops for builds i want to play this loot table is busted. Just like in WOW for hunters when it was first released. You pay all this money and cant play the class you want like you want. Because of loot table and this is ok.

I’m level 91, still havent gotten tempest roar. my breakdown of druid uniques to general + barb uniques is about a 50/50 ratio. And I 1000% get less uniques than any other alt I’ve played and my friends playing different characters. The fact they think this along with so many other glaring issues (looking at you group bugs and resistances) are fine until future seasons shows they don’t care. But don’t worry we’ll have emergency maintenance if a single person can’t buy from the shop!

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Its bizarre. I was getting uniques to drop like every other level at 50 when I joined t3. But the second I hit 54 about 2 weeks ago, I have not seen a single unique since than. I am now level 59 and I think I’ve put in maybe 30+ hours of game play since than. It feels like something is broken with the rolls. Also I am finding this super frustrating and have slowly been cutting back game time.

1 Week, 0 uniques here.

Got a Vasily’s Prayer at around 58.

I play a Tornado Druid with my buddy who plays Pulverize. No trading, so sadface for them.

And here we are.

Ok now my turn. I’m Pulverize Druid, LvL 80. Statistics:
From lvl 48 to 63(?) i was on WT3, got about 3 uniques.
(Including Vasily’s Prayer and Insatiable Fury with carred me hard.
I consider myself lucky at that time!)

After that from lvl 63 - 80 i was playing on WT4. I keep all uniques that i got (sold maybe 2)
Around 4 Barb uniques (only weapons? I think so… sold some);
About 7 Global pool (3x thorns armour, 2 x freezing boots, 1 gloves);
14 Druid pool (4 Vasily’s Prayer, 3 Insatiable Fury, 2 Hunter’s Zenith, 2 Vaxing Gibbous, 1 Mad Wolf Glee);
So in about 25 uniques i got 4B/7G/14D, 16%B, 28%G, 56%D.
And yes, i did not get Tempest Roar. :frowning:
Now my feelings:
It feels like im forced to play Solo Self Found,
withdraw posibylity to trade or target farm build enabling items.
(beside gear- specyfic chests in helltide?)
I don’t care what the vision or plan was, the truth is i don’t like it, it feels bad.
It feels like im investing my time into gambling withdraw any guarantee that after some time i eventualy find it or get it from some “insurence policy plan” like trade or … idk, farming specyfic location?
I don’t mid farm but i need to see straight goal. Here i see a posiblle stuck in limbo or endless void.
Especialy when i hear from ppl that they dont see item till lvl 100, with i probably wont achive since wanna test other classes and my time is limited.

PS: I farm those mostyl in Nightmare DNG while lvling glyphs (i got to tier 40 now) and some from random events / mobs / helltide. No World boss no Tree of Wispers no Gambling for obols - those gave me only Legendaries.

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