Druid: Shred/Spirit Boon Feedback

Thorns → Damage over Time 25(x)%
Max Spirit → 2 Spirit per Second
Energize → Core skill damage (9(x)%)
Bolster → Damage over time duration (Rabies, Hurricane, Ravens’ active)
Obsidian Slam → Resource spent = Overpower
EDIT A different option: You’re last Overpower will trigger another earth over power in 6 seconds. A better way of consistently staggering overpowers. A timer starts off of other overpowers. Will not trigger itself. If you Overpower from Pulverize then 3 seconds later trigger Provocation, the 6 seconds will only trigger off of the Provocation Overpower because Pulverize timer didn’t reach 6.
Overload → Include Spirit regen (Energize could migrate into this).

Feels weaker starting a new character than in season 4.
Stormclaw turns into Storm skill or increase Shred damage by X percent as well… We can’t buff shred in the skill tree like other skills.

Has Nature damage tag for nature skill buffs.
Or give a buff to Aspect of Alpha to spread rabies more often → maybe after skill activation (so it’s more consistent). Currently the only way to have them spread rabies more often is to not press the active. The active seems to disrupt their timer. We need to push the active to buff Rabies with the Clarity buff.
Offer node for when either on initiate or when mob dies, a poison cloud emits rabies for 1 sec.
Somebody at Blizzard should play rabies late game and see how it doesn’t perform against bosses.
EDIT: 6/28/24
Virulent Aspect. Attacks from Shred reduce Rabies cooldown by 1 -2 seconds.
Blurred Beast: Shred does 60% increased damage to enemies infected with Rabies and each attack from Shred extends current Rabies duration by .2 seconds. Change name to Rabid Beast.
-----These are the fixes to make Rabies work for bosses. That would also make attack speed synergize with Rabies damage.


WOW very smart ideas man i second this 100%…

Actually forgot to add another Idea for spirit boons:

Gain 2 Ravens (always present whether you have Ravens on your skill bar or not)
Ravens now occasionally Daze enemies.

I actually like Energize on my bear landslide so not in favor of that.

But Shred should absolutely be made a Storm skill with Stormclaw. Pulverize gets turned to Earth so it’s really weird Shred doesn’t. Shred as Storm will allow for ton more synergy in Druid builds.

I agree making spirit regen a boon would be a massive plus for druid. It would allow choice of wildheart or tibults.

Not sure why we don’t have base spirit regen considering spirit regen has been a stat since beta for druid.

To clarify for anyone wondering spirit regen was shown as 0 for druid beta thru s3. It seemed like somewhere in production spirit regen had a base but was too strong. Hence the 35 to 40 spirit cost for core skills. Maybe the billions of dps alpha to 100k to now millions of dps needs a balance patch for each classs.

max spirit should stay but can add the 2 spirit per second… with the new amulet it makes sense to have more max spirit

This and maybe even make it a spirit regen based on a % to reward stacking max spirit. Druid has very little benefit compared to Barb to stack resource.

Virulent Aspect. Attacks from Shred reduce Rabies cooldown by 1 -2 seconds.
Blurred Beast: Shred does 60% increased damage to enemies infected with Rabies and each attack from Shred extends current Rabies duration by .2 seconds. Change name to Rabid Beast.
-----These are the fixes to make Rabies work for bosses. That would also make attack speed synergize with Rabies damage.

Added this in an edit, but this would fix Rabies boss damage and create a Rabies/Shred synergy that would be fun to play.

Should honestly pay worsaw as a consultant to structure your development pipeline for druid. He keeps it positive with good ideas.

Also currently Lupine Ferocity key passive only works with initial damage from Rabies. The 70% increased damage should work with damage over time from Rabies as well.

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Stop it, great ideas should be disallowed on these forums!

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dont worry, the title says druid so they wont read it

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No one wants to look at the character model, not even the devs