Druid players are quiting their toons because of the rigged crap with tempest roar!

You know what it doesn’t apply to?
This topic & discussion of " Druid players are quiting their toons because of the rigged crap with tempest roar!"
Regarding drop rates for the Tempest Roar.

Clearly you are either a bored Troll or a paid Shill attempting to derail this topic to get it locked by repeatedly abusing legitimate users.

I know you took it so far off topic with your personal attacks.

But at least my post was related to TR.

I also didn’t say you personally attacked me until you actually did.

Please re-read again.

You dismiss & deflect any legitimate complaints, then blame users for “not trying other builds”.

Believe me when I say I saw the same bottom-rate Shilling out of the Trolls at amazon game studios New World forums just before I broke the story regarding their Auto-Ban Fiasco & using Shill accounts to harass users on the forums, much like you are doing here & now.

My posts have all been on the actual topic of Tempest Roar drop rate issues or relating to my discussion of them & your frankly disrespectful, repeated, ongoing attempts to change the subject & abuse anyone actually talking about the topic at hand.

Clearly you have real issues or are being paid to abuse users here, that is in no way a personal attack - just a statement of a clear fact given the back & forth we have had.
You are a Shill, paid or not.

My response was there are other comparable options to try before you get TR and that you’re ruining your own enjoyment by believing you can only play with TR. But, yes very disrespectful… Letting you know there’s other options.

Anyway off to enjoy my druid with Tempest Roar.

“There is no issue for me, so there must be no issue for thee” is a heck of a mindset friend.
It also 100% explains your displayed sociopathic, abusive personality traits that leads you to derailing topics & abusing legitimate users trying to discuss drop rate issues they are experiencing.

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I have a guy in my clan that got his Druid to nearly 80 and straight up deleted it due to no Tempest Roar dropping. He rolled another class entirely.

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“Your storm skills are also werewolf skills.” – Should simply be a legendary paragon node.

But they definitely need to fix the utter lack of RNG in finding items.

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You know everyone who got the TR aren’t running to the forums to complain they got it.

But I also don’t think telling people that there are other options until you get it is a bad message… Unless of course you’re specifically looking to argue, which clearly you were.

Never in this topic did I say it’s not an issue. That was a statement you made for me.

Sure misquote & misinterpret what I say, while taking my statements out of context for your false narrative to pretend to be victimized after repeatedly attempting to derail a topic & dismiss legitimate users discussions & complaints.

It was implied by your repeated statements that users should just play a different build until it drops. The issue is with hundreds of hours played on a Druid, some characters/accounts/users aren’t getting the drop.

I get that you think that isn’t enough time to deserve the item, especially since you already have it & likely don’t really care for others to have it out of fear your build might get nerfed.

That said, your opinions on the not relevant subjects you keep bringing up to derail this topic are in fact wholly irrelevant, trolling, seemingly sociopathic attempts to abuse legitimate users.

Didn’t quote except to reference that I did not say you personally attacked me, until you personally attacked me. For someone stating sociopathic… You sure do seem to be describing yourself quite well.

Yes try to turn the tables by calling me a sociopath for publicly pointing out how you acted like one… Not at all telling.

TLDR, Tempest Roar Drop Rate is super low or potentially bugged for some users;
PhantomGhost suggests playing another build until the end of time hoping for a drop instead of going to the forums to post a report about an issue.

Only statement to time I made was stating what difference does stating you have 100s of hours make if you haven’t tried anything else. Again if you go back to my original post to try something else until you get the drop… The posts you are arguing with me about, then you’d see that statement is clearly in regards to trying other aspects.

Where did I misquote you. You continuously put words in my mouth to keep arguing despite being wrong and proven wrong now 5-6x.

Again until the end of time is is putting words in my mouth

You can come on the forums spreading your negativity but I am here to give people another reasonable option. You don’t have to follow it. You could do as you are, complain on the forums and not enjoy the game, or maybe take my advice… I guess the choice is yours.

I am not wrong, I have not stating anything inaccurate or incorrect.
Neither have you proven anything other than what a low rate Troll & Shill you are, along with how you have literally nothing better to do than bait arguments, derail topics & abuse the legitimate users of this forum.

Again, I wish you well, thank you for playing & I hope you get the help you so clearly need.

Enjoy your TR & Druid, I hope you spend more time doing that than you do abusing users trying to voice legitimate concerns here in the future.

First instance of hyperbole on my part this discussion, my apologies.
At what point are users allowed to complain about not getting an item for their class?
1000 hours played on the char?
What measure makes users concerns legitimate to you?
For that matter, what makes your opinion on whether users concerns are legitimate even relevant?

You are just an anonymous troll/shill baiting arguments, attempting to derail a topic & abusing others trying to voice legitimate complaints.

You contribute nothing to the discussion yet you show up any time someone tries to actually talk about the topic at hand.

As I said to Furious, I don’t know if you are a Dev, a Shill, or just that bored;

But clearly you have an issue with players enjoying the game & reporting issues when encountered that you don’t deem to be an issue.

You take it personally when someone reports that they have played an extensive amount of time & or have received all the other potential drops, but can’t get the one item left for their classes toolkit.

Regardless of if the issue is tied to TR specifically, or is indicative of a larger issue with some form of character based, account based, or other loot seeding is wholly irrelevant to this discussion & is only relevant to the Development team when they actually go to resolve the issue.

As far as you repeatedly attempting to derail a topic regarding Tempest Roar Drop Rate issues by blaming users for “not trying other builds”; I have already had all of the cyclical hamster wheel attempt at a conversation on the topic you are willing to provide.

I am definitely done beating my head against a wall by trying to talk to you after this last post.
Clearly you have 0 intention to hold a good faith conversation on this topic & only intend to downplay, dismiss, disregard & disrespect the issues of other users by Trolling & baiting arguments, then claiming to be victimized.

I am done with your abusive, sociopathic gaslighting. Take your low tier trolling, abuse, gaslighting & off-topic discussions & waste someone else’s time. I have said my valid piece on the topic, if you continue to make a :clown_face: of yourself by misinterpresting, misquoting & taking things out of context to pretend to be a victim that just proves you aren’t just acting like a sociopath.

My sorc keeps getting the stupid super thorns chest…razorplate…just what every sorc wants…got 5-6 of them so far

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  1. Said I personally attacked you. Please quote the personal attack prior to the statement.
  2. Said I stated you personally attacked me, which did not happen until after you did… Hence the quote.
  3. Said I stated this wasn’t an issue. Not once in this topic.
  4. Said I said try different builds to the end of time. Very wrong and misleading.
  5. Referenced I don’t want people to get it because it might get nerfed. I don’t play werenado. I only need crone staff for my build. So, if it gets nerfed it does not impact me. I know you’ll make this out as I am stating to nerf it now… Because that’s what you do.

I’m sure if I keep scrolling through your responses I could find a few more times you were wrong/misleading and clearly misinterpreting.

Yes, you’ve clearly stated this but you too are anonymous with your personal attacks. Not sure how being anonymous with an opinion or suggestion is a problem. But surely could see how being anonymous and attacking someone repeatedly would be as you stated … Cowardly.

Please go back to your GME and AMC reddit forums with calling everyone a bot/shill because they make a reasonable statement you don’t want to hear.