Druid players are quiting their toons because of the rigged crap with tempest roar!

The devs just need to add an npc that u can trade multiples of a class unique for any of the other class uniques.
Lets people try different build it’s a win win. easy solution

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I actually just quit playing the game entirely for now due to not getting interesting uniques. I’m only 75 but I quit playing a week and a half ago because I am tired of only finding bear uniques. I didn’t make a druid to be bear (not right now at least). I was going to wait till season 1 but now with BG3 getting pushed up I’ll just wait till Season 2 and see if it’s worth coming back.

Build-locked uniques aren’t fun.

If the Tempest Roar were just a supplement to make a strong build Overpowered then sure, make it super rare and if most Druids never see it in their entire 100 levels then that’s just how it goes.

Basically all wolf shred and storm builds are completely reliant on it’s synergy to even function, though. If more than a third of the entire classes functionality is built around one unique you can’t make that unique impossible to get.


We gonna nerf druids to the ground, just wait


Hard disagree. The issue I see for the druid is that if you want to be a werewolf, your options right now are Blurred Beast, Tempest Roar, or Waxing Gibbous. Blurred beast doesn’t require a unique, but it’s so dang clunky to play that it just doesn’t feel good. The other builds are basically locked behind uniques if you want to play an -effective- werewolf. I know it’s subjective and everyone has a differing opinion of effective. I’m not talking pushing the higher NM tiers, I just want to farm on a build efficiently without having to get RNG class uniques to do it.

ARPGs are Min/Maxing games. It’s why we play

With that said ARPGs are also trading games. No trading we have no game and everyone will quit. Trading fixes the game. Everything needs to be tradable or no point in season 1.

You can do a very comparable build without Tempest. But people don’t want to try anything besides the build they looked up listed as S tier.

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Can easily do a werewolf build without it. Again, if you have no flexibility then sure copying the S tier werenado build won’t work. If you try something else you’d quickly realize there are very good options prior to getting TR. Don’t get me wrong TR is very good, but you can do various builds without it until you do get it.

Example if you have the crone staff you could easily do up to the t50-60 NMD without TR. But keep telling yourself it’s TR or nothing… It only impacts your enjoyment.

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So people shouldn’t play seasons because certain people want to be in the top 1k? The people in leaderboards play this game religiously, and some aren’t even that good. They just play a lot. So leaderboards are practially meaningless. If you want a skill leaderboard = Clear times, Ranked PvP.

ARPGs aren’t about leaderboards. It’s about power fantasy, min-maxing, doing end-game content, pushing your build and abilities and getting better every season. PvP is also a small part of it, and something I enjoyed. Especially in D2.

This 100%

Play class that you enjoy overall, not for one or two builds.

I uh…huh? What game are you playing?

Each class only has 1 or 2 viable end game builds, if that.

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LVL 100 Druid, 120+ hours on the character.
I Have played Pulverize that entire time.

At this point I would like to try the other viable endgame build.
I have everything prepped for the TR build, except the TR - which won’t drop for me.
Others experience a similar issue.

Downplaying others issues because you are unimpacted or don’t care enough about it to see a problem is a personal issue on your part, not the part of the users reporting said issues.

When this many users report ongoing issues with regards to specific items & the Developers have already talked about Druid drop rates being looked at in the future (around the time they mentioned the Barb Drops on Druid in the Campfire Chat);
Clearly something is imbalanced.

After playing 120+ hours on this char I have received multiples of every other unique available to drop EXCEPT Tempest Roar. (*Excluding those listed Ultra-Rare Uniques like Shako & Grandfather etc.)

Clearly there IS an issue with the drop algorithm. Whether it is item specific, or tied to a more general character based, account based, or other loot seeding algorithm is irrelevant to this discussion & only relevant to the Development team when they go to resolve it.

Telling users it’s a personal problem & to play a sub-optimal build because after extensive playtime the game isn’t dropping a specific item is counterproductive to this discussion & borderlines on trolling/personal-attacks.

Most of the cry posts are I’m lvl 62-70 4-6% if the way to 100 and can’t enjoy the game because I don’t have TR.

But yes, again you ruin your own enjoyment of having the TR is the only thing that allows you to enjoy the game. There’s several builds you can try without it.

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Dude, it is you and where you are farming. This game has targeted farming, go to where they drop. I have gotten 3 from PvP Zone, 2 from Helltides, 1 from World Boss, 1 from Nightmares.

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Its truly wild that you wrote such a long post with such poor grammar and punctuation and expect anyone to read it. When you communicate with others you need to speak clearly and proofread. Creating a TLDR would also help as even if you had coherent thoughts no one is reading all of that.

I hope Blizz secretly reduces the drop rate to 0% for any item that any guide lists as BiS.

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No contribution, personal attacks, failure to read or comprehend the post & then responding with blatant trolling. :-1:

0 effort bait & trolling :-1:

Once again, anecdotal claims of outlier incidents from users don’t invalidate the plethora of reports on these forums showing a clear imbalance.

Also, unless you have proof/confirmation from the Development team regarding your claims of targeted loot - please refrain from spreading misinformation/speculation without a disclaimer. :-1:

I have enjoyed the game quite a bit in my 300+ hours playing.
At level 100 & after 120+ hours on this character I have noticed an issue I have come to the forums to report! :-1:

Telling me to play another build or class isn’t an answer; It’s disrespect & dismissal of myself as well as the issue I am reporting.

Not specifically to your case but the problem with the forum posts is everyone is so dramatic. Level 68 and still no TR, druid is worst class. Never do you see a post just stating drop rate seems to be off, look into it, it’s always I can’t enjoy druid because I’m only willing to try one build that says it’s required. Odd you know it’s required if you never had it…

If you understood the synergy the item provided to the build you might have a slightly more enlightened take friend.

That is not really true.

Viable =/= S-Tier broken build

Example, Necromancer:
Minion Mendeln Build
Bone Spear Build
Infinite Mist Build
Sever Build
Shadowblight Build

Just because some are mega OP does not mean the others are not viable.