Druid loot table?

50% if not more of my uniques that drop are Barbarian uniques.

Im seeing this is a widespread issue and even Rod responded on it vaguely. Is there any plans to address this soon or are we (Druids) SOL? I dont see how this isnt a priority fix as its pretty “Gamebreaking” for the class considering a lot of our builds revolve around uniques.


Ya, I’m really not amused at this point. level 81 farming my butt off for Tempest Roar with no luck, only to learn there’s a loot table issue. What a waste of time. Where is the transparency Blizz? What does “working on it” mean? ETA on fix? Can we get more than a vague " oh ya, sorry we know"?

edit; half an hour after I made this post, I got my 4th Barb unique weapon. Come on, Should I even bother playing this Druid?

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yeah, it would be nice if they took a break from “hotfixing” all of the fun out of the game and did something useful.

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After making the post I got a total of 3 unqiues before I gave up and logged. Two of which were Barbarian uniques. The other was just another Zenith ring.

Im done farming on the druid until I see confirmation that its fixed. Hopefully this long maintenance will have something in it.

Hi there hAZE. There is an issue with drops not being relevant for classes - specifically the druid. That sort of report goes on Bug Reports though, not Tech Support.

Our Community Lead did mention it on his personal Twitter yesterday. They are working on the bug.

Fix the druid unique drops pls

Team is aware and working on the fix.

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Okay… but it’s been 6 days since Rod even acknowledged it…. It’s been since a good 3 days into early access it was reported….

A fix long before season 1 starts is required… this is stupid…. My helltide mysteries chest dropped 3 ancestrals 2 were Barb!!! Come on guys

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