Druid is just straight awful

yup you got me, 100% a skill issue on my end im sooo stupid.

And then there are the people you ignored saying something more nuanced inbetween.

If majority of people trying out the druid and they say hes boring the play, with weak damage, no movement, clunky playstile, blizz should look into it.

Minority of people saying he is fine with lot of items or even bigger minority saying something inbetween can be ignored.

80 unrelated to each other say he sucks, 15 say hes great and 5 are inbetween, there is some balancing and changes to be done.

If druid is great at max level, make something to improve early game.

Your point of view. Hopefully Blizzard is smarter than that.

Yes. And your point of view is different one than the majority of people have.
Which I hope that blizzard is smarter than listening to that and looks into the complains of the majority.

Majorities have repeatedly, throughout history, been shown to be wrong. So the notion that just because a majority think something it (a) must be right and (b) must be addressed is demonstrably wrong.

Yes, I hope Blizzard is smarter than blindly listening to “the majority”–which people on this forum really are not.


Funny how most players and streamers with tens of thousands of hours of arpg experience are all saying druid is under tuned and clunky right now. Yet we have a few people here saying it feels completely fine and its a lack of skill. Huh?


Bro it’s not that hard all you need do is farm these 5 specific legendaries and use this one specific build and you’ll be just as powerful at level 25 as a level 12 Sorc!!!


If you’ve tried the powershift build of wearbear and werewolf it looks really silly to maul then shread back and forth. Blizzard could go back to the drawing board with this…

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Would have sworn someone literally offered the exact same, binary view of the thread when there are in fact more than “its great and perfect” and “its total trash” being offered.

Reading is such a rarely used skill nowdays.

no to mention the roar to trample to howl and the time lost on the animation locks of shapeshifting.

Also im curious cause people talked about legendaries for permanent bear or wolf forms…
so they have those uniques in the game but they added skill tree points for bonuses for shapeshifting forms back and forth … soo we will get the “icant do that” when we try and swap

Also the fact in grizzly rage u lose access to any other abilities.

also the WW howl which heals u should definitely be a bear ability . they need to swap that wolf howl to just a atk speed/crit steroid. its silly giving a life leach character another heal.

the skill tree makes me cry.

not sure what some of you people want… it’s like if y’all ain’t one shotting everyting by level 5 you think it’s bad. Quit listening to a few big name people that say it’s bad and try experiementing and not wanting to 1 shot stuff within 20 minutes of playing

Yeah, here’s my OP Druid with multiple legendaries and rares owning this stupid boss: Diablo 4 - Getting Thrashed by Den Mother - YouTube

Oh no wait, despite all the legendary gear etc, the boss god-damned trounced me, with absolutely no way to win :thinking:

I love my druid, but yes, it needs some work.

You had 16 skill points, enough to make it down to companions, meaning you had access to the Defense skills, but you only have 3 skills on your bar–Storm Strike, Wolf companions, and Pulverize–which you mostly do not use as you stand back from the Den Mother.

Why no defensive skill and why would you think getting wrecked by her would not occur?

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it is your build. wolves are not strong. why stormstrike and pulverize? that doesn’t stnergize at all. where is your defensive?

Whether some other classes are over tuned or not I do not know. But that video’s build is not impressive and my werewolf build was doing more damage. The issue with druid is more nuanced than just the clear speed. There seems to be some fundamental issues with the class.

And that clickbait INSANE WEREWOLF BUILD STRONG AS SORC/NECRO lol…uhh it’s not even close.

considering legendary items are supposed to drop far less frequently in retail, you’re going to be using the skills as they are for quite some time.


Lmao sped up gameplay with sorc and other classes carrying


I agree with OP.

Played both beta weekends and tried every class. I enjoyed all of them EXCEPT druid.

Druid was really cool in diablo 2 but this one was just not very fun to play at all and also was the worst in terms of power. I killed bosses faster on every other class and I tried several builds on the druid but none seemed to be very good or fun at all.

I hope they do some rework/buffs in the future because it would be fun to play through druid one of the upcoming seasons.

btw i did 25 rogue, 20 necro, 20 sorc, 21 barb and 17 druid.