Druid - Damage Reduction Bugged?

I’ve been trying to figure out why my druid is consistently getting one shotted. After some testing I’ve discovered damage reduction is not working.

  • My Druid is level 100
  • All resistances = 70
  • Armor = 10,000+
  • Health = 51,000
  • Damage reduction from ‍Tyrael’s Might, Harlequin Crest, and Werebear skills plus paragon glyph equal’s out to be greater than 50%.

There is no noticeable difference between 0% & 50% damage reduction.

I’ve been using level 4 Infernal Hordes as my baseline. Everything one shots me when I’m playing my druid at 51K health, I do not understand. My sorcerer can do a level 4 Infernal Hordes and face tank monsters for a few hit with no barrier at 30K health.

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Damage Reduction isn’t additive, it’s multiplicative - just an FYI. You’re probably at 30-35% actual DR, maybe even less.

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Ive been holding off druid for awhile due to its many issues. If they dont have it working right by next year Ill check out POE2 for my druid fix.

Really hard to tell sometimes if Druid DR actually does anything, especially since some of it doesn’t end up on your character sheet. DR granted by werebear, werewolf, and human glyphs never appears there. Aspect granted DR is ify as well.

I have 20% DR from cyclone armor upgrade aspect and 15% from human glyph, but it doesn’t show.

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Can confirm this exact experience, same level mobs sorc I can just stand and spam incinerate and let them hit me all day long w/ no barrier or use of defensive spell. Werewolf nope pop I go. I’ve also reported the dmg reduction bug as it shows up on stat sheet when I use the enchant variant, but any glyph/paragon reduction doesn’t do anything. I also understand its multiplicative but was under impression that was different sources i.e. dmg reduction from poison, dmg reduction from slow. I had assumed if was same category aka werewolf form it was additive. Either way its clearly cucked and the druid seriously needs some love if not a potential rework/rethink.

With new passive changes in skill tree I’ve made a shred build that absolutely does the dmg but if I’m out of stealth for longer than a split second I get immediately one shot despite having 32.5% werwolf dmg reduction. Its non existent. I also tested and dmg numberes remain the same at 0% or at the reported 17.5% via the enchant (glyph doesn’t ever show) same w/ poisioned dmg reduction. They seriously need to buff dmg some more as well as survivability for werewolf builds.

Many of the Shape Shifting skills were not working in the prior version; Mending, Digitgrade, Iron Fur, etc. Possibly related to using the perma-form unique chest, but I am not certain. Hopefully it gets reported prior to release.

I am at 26K health and at about 75%DR (multiplicative) generally with no mythics. There is variance as some of that DR is dependent on shapeshifting but my skills are set to shapeshift to wolf, bear pretty concistently.
I can clear T7 pretty consistently, still can die in it too about 20-25% of the time.

DR is working, not bugged, in fact I had to re-tweak a lot to get to about 75%…and according to Iggi my health pool is pretty low, but I am fortified almost 100% of the time.