Drop rate uber uniques on couch co-op

I’m playing DIV on the PS5 console of my son. It’s more my thing but we are doing couch co-op as well. Since a few weeks we are doing uber Duriel. I have already engaged the most in the game but when it comes to drop rates on uber uniques the odds seem really in his favour. Out of the 150 runs we did together my son’s account got 5 drops and mine got none. At first I thought he was really lucky but now I’m starting to think that it’s got something to do with the couch co-op or the PlayStation plus being on his account. Can you please verify that there is no issue with drop rates on PS5 couch co-op or account sharing for PlayStation plus? It’s really frustrating to see the least used account get all the loot and my main character getting non. Thank in advance for the feedback.

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This has been happening to me bit with just about ANY chest in game. I will open a chest and player 2 will open the exact same one and will get rained on with loot, and i just get whomps…this happens about 9 times out of 10.

I have noticed this when my wife plays aswell she seems to get a lot more than I do, could be just rng though

I’m facing the same issue on Xbox.
Farming uber duriel, yesterday i San example but it’s happening from months, I got one uber unique and the rest of my party from 3 to 6. We did something like 30 runs.
During the last months they got all the uber uniques more than ones, and I got 4 uber in the last year. And I crafted most of them.
It’s annoing and frustrating and should be something wrong on my drop rate

Its funny how Blizzard hasnt addressed this at all. Nearly 2 yeats after this bug was reported and its still happening.

My wife and I are playing. She accumulated 12 uber uniques to my 0. We have played over 100 uber bosses. I was collecting ubers before she joined, then afterwards they all went to her. We tried swapping player positions and yet it still happens.

Blozzard, please address this issue already. It really ruins the game.