Don't punish all ultimates for the sins of Blood Wave

Not all ultimates are a problem in S7. So why nerf ultimates across the board instead of just addressing the individual outliers?

Blood Wave is getting nerfed and Cataclysm snapshotting will be gone, which makes sense. The universal 200% cap on ultimate damage scaling does not.

This season, Iron Maelstrom felt good to use for the first time since launch. On the PTR, my 90% maxed out Iron Maelstrom build struggles in T4 while my so-so EQ build is still one-shotting lair bosses.

Use different caps for each ultimate or buff the underlying ultimate skills that were never a problem in the first place.


It’s the seasonal flipflop - anything that was good in this season will be nerfed in the next - it’s been like that for the last 7 seasons.

It’s pure laziness. As if all the last ones gave the same. Each one should have its own limit and not capture everything at 200%.

200% is way too low. Even 1000% is still not high compared to s8 boss powers.

Stop pleading with them. This team has proven for 8 seasons in a row that they have no idea what they’re doing and they are terrible at their jobs. They are not the team for this project. Petition for them to willingly resign from their positions on this project and hand it over to competent individuals who deserve a chance, because they have had way too many. Put this team on some other project that fits their narcissistic views and actions.

That means the team leads, project lead, game lead as well. Keep the art department devs.


Buffing the underlying ultimate is the way to go.
The uniform cap is ok, how fast to reach the cap should be considered.