Its been a REALLY FUN season. Devs did it right this season. Balance is another topic but this season means a bright future ahead of D4. End game was night and day compared to release . Every single endgame activity you do contributes to something worthwile. I played SSF Casual. I can get better gear with 3 GA but I can do pit 100 comfortably so im good. nothing else for me to do for now. I am done for the season. Im burnt out. I might log in once in a while to try my luck in getting 3 GA ubers or even legendary i need but not gonna be playing as much as the past few weeks. GG guys see you in the expansion.
New things are coming to S5 and S6.
“And we’re still adding more modes and things like that. Like we have a roadmap for the things that we want to do. We know what’s coming in season 5 and we’re really excited about what that’s going to do. And then season 6 is at the same time as the expansion and we’ve got cool ideas for that too that we’re currently playing and testing right now.”
Oh that’s new. So I was kind of right in my assessment that S5 would still be going when VoH launched. They could always cut it short, but it’s probably better to work out what bugs they can before S6 launches. Thank you good sir.
i see. well. see ya all next season then.
I’m just about at the end of my season run as well, really enjoyed this season, totally looking forward to the next one and the expansion as well. Do hope they make some more tweaks to tempering though, it was/is the one thing that could ruin an entire session at times.