Dominate Glyph Overpower Change

For sure. The Glyph effect is garbage. I would argue however there are already too many sources or Overpower now that are easily accessible.

  • Earthstriker (on swap)
  • Bash (2H Blunt Crit x 4)
  • Banished Lords (300 Fury use)
  • Bonebreaker (12 seconds)
  • Blood Boiling (20 seconds)
  • Sundered Ground - Upheaval Only (25 seconds, can be reduced)

Most people are just taking Earthstriker, Banished Lords, and Bonebreaker which is more than enough. ES can gain OP almost every 5 seconds. BL every 3rd rotation of WW HoTA (6 seconds).

In my opinion they need to change the current Skills:

  • Earthstriker changed from Weapon Swap to gaining Key Passive, Walking Arsenal. Rate of Overpowers would Skyrocket for WA builds and give WA a bone.
  • Bash changed from single target skill to PbAoE. This would allow an immediate Overpower to be gained if you critically strike 4+ enemies. Now works with 1H and 2H Bludgeoning. The Overpower proc would have a 10 second CD after being consumed before another OP could be gained to prevent abuse.
  • Banished Lord’s - No Change
  • Bonebreaker - No Change
  • Blood Boiling - This Skill should be replaced with Bathe in Blood to help Channeling Builds like Whirlwind.
  • Sundered Ground - Changed to where when you OP with Upheaval, the target area creates a Quake for 5 seconds damaging enemies for X and increasing Overpower Damage by x50%. This would synergize with Earthquake and Bul’Kathos Aspects so if you have all 3 Aspects, Quakes would gain all 3 effects simultaneously.
  • Dominate Glyph Effect: Changed from giving you OP every 30 seconds you do not OP to whenever you Overpower, enemies take x30% more damage for 4 seconds.
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