Does vulnerable damage have a cap?

I saw someone write this in a thread. Is it true? What is it and let me know to what degree it is reliable

They keep changing things, but to my knowledge, no.

There’s a multiplier cap when you get any 2 or more of critical strike, vulnerable strike, or overpower strike.

At least there was in I believe S3.
And iirc It’s 50% of critical damage, 20% of vulnerable damage, and 20% of overpower damage.

I haven’t seen anything recently that says whether or not this is still the case, it’s also not been made clear if it’s a flat 20% bonus (if you’re at least 20%) or if it’s 20% of your % value (i.e., if you have 1000% vulnerable you would get a 200%x vulnerable modifier when you crit as well).

Hopefully that helps?

I thought that if there is one, its applied to the pvp zones?

They mostly changed paragon nodes to have a cap, not the overall modifiers.

It’s probably confusion over vulnerability damage getting thrown into the big additive damage bucket when you proc it. A cap on it would probably be barely noticeable anyway unless you we’re playing a class with no joke key passives like rogues using victimize where you have a 50% lucky hit chance to have a 406% multiplier of your damage explosion that is increased by 120%x of your total vulnerability score.

Oh wait, I forgot they are increasing the initial explosion by 50% because they will be fixing the double dipping bugs.

For comparison, Avalanche has a 10% lucky hit chance to do 60% more damage with your next frost skill cast while also having to get past our teeny weenie base lucky hit chance frost skills. Note, this Key Passive is further limited to not work with Frost Bolt.

i think no cap yet.
if they capped it, it will be repetitively stated through the loading splash screen as like the nova effect size has capped to 100%.

It’s probably confusing to call it a cap.

It’s a flat multiplier that’s applied during vulnerable. The multiplier is not modifiable.

Any additional +vulnerable damage that you stack are added to your generic +damage bucket (assuming the vulnerable condition apply, of course).

No cap, but it doesn’t calculate as one would think. After 20% of the vulnerable damage is calculated as multiplier as in if you got 20% or over you get 1.2x damage. After that it goes to the global bucket and still is a multiplier but as to where it was in it’s own bucket now it’s calculated additevily to all other damage multipliers. So as an example if you have 1000% global damage getting +120% more vulnerable would be an increase from +1000% damage to + 120% x 1100% damage.

Vulnerable is just another Dmg+ to sum in the damage calculation. In season one Vulnerable worked like Critical Strike in a separated calculation but blizzard changed the behavior since season 2.

Yes. It is 20% multiplicatively. Any addition, afterwards, is additive. And if I remember correctly, sorc doesn’t have any damage that scales with invulnerability %.

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