Could someone show us how it looks like on a char if it does?
Don’t think anyone got one during the PTR to give us a decent screenshot of it sadly. We’ll just have to wait for the patch to hit. Could check reddit though, see if anyone posted something there.
Ignore the above, there’s a link to a YouTube video down below for those wishing to see how it looks.
It could be from a stream etc. I know that Rob and wudi got it but I couldn’t find how it looks like on their channels.
in the last official diablo stream (the ptr one) they had it equipped and were attacking things, could look at that more closelyer.
Wudijo showcased it on all characters in one of his streams. You will have to find it on your own, but it was a good 15 minutes of swapping that thing out between all the classes so we could see what it looked like in game.
Like Blueskies said, Wudijo found one and tried it on all of the classes. It does have a unique appearance, just like the one in shown by OP. He got it from killing tormented version of Andariel I’m pretty sure.
I did notice on PTR, it did not say “unlocks new look on salvage” but that might have just been a PTR thing. I’d expect for the full patch, we will be able to salvage it for the transmog.
EDIT: Found the VOD, got to around 3:58:00 (3hr 58 min) mark in the video
The emblem in the center of the breastplate looks like lion… not sure.
Thanks for this! Sadly it doesn’t look that good