Does the 'Grow' Witch Power work for The Protector?

Just wanted to know if the Grow Witch Power is supposed to work for The Protector Ultimate? I.E. does the Gorilla’s damage increase?

Thank you.

Not sure if an ult is considered a summon… but a valid question… would be cool…

You can see visually.
When using the grow witchpower…try with and without it.

Did the gorilla grow by like 30-50% larger?
If so, the yes it works with grow witchpower…
And if it does grow then yes its dmg will increase as well.

If you want to see how it works visually then try out the rune that summons wolves… Then use your ult and watch the wolves grow to giants… then compare to gorilla ult

Hope that helped

You have to check that ultimate to see what other tags it has (if any).