Does main stat (dex, etc) scale Andariel's Visage?

I can’t seem to find this answer to my question, or maybe I may have missed it cause I feel it’s a pretty sought after question, but: Does main stat (dex, etc) scale Andariel’s Visage poison damage.

Main stat damage via tooltip specifically states that it increases ‘Skill Damage.’

Andariel’s Visage poison damage is not skill damage.

I am aware that Dot, Vuln, +Dmg, CCDmg, etc effect Andariel’s poison damage additively.

Yes, a lot of the recommended stats on gear are dex. Also, dex umbracrux GA sells for the most, if it didn’t do anything that wouldn’t be the case

This was my understanding too, but now I’m not sure.

Appreciate the response, but it doesn’t tell me much. Main stat says skill damage. Andariel’s is not skill damage, Umbra, probably sells for a lot because of the unique effect, not because GA dex was on it. Who’s to say we are not being fooled by Dex in this question? How are you certain dex scales andys poison damage when main stat cleary states ‘skill damage’?

Now that I think about it, dex might not increase Andariels damage. It might just be for the added dodge chance and for rare paragon nodes. I’d like to know the answer too.

Again, in the game, Dexterity CLEARLY STATES: increase to Skill Damage…

There has to be someone who can verify or has tested this?
Cause if it doesn’t, might as well run flat +damage increase and roll dex off body gear for flat dodge…


I can test it out later. Pretty easy to pop my emeralds out of my armor and check the difference on the training dummies.

Ah, yes, that would probably work for testing. Been spending all my time researching to find this answer and didn’t test myself. ^^

Please, let me know your findings!

Main stats are damage multiplier for almost everything and it’s also in its own bucket, making it pretty important, certainly more important than additive bonus like % damage.

You say, “almost anything.” And also, ‘in it’s own bucket.’ …yeah, for skill damage…!

Dexterity: increases Skill Damage

Andariel’s Visage poison proc: not Skill Damage


It multiplies andariel poison dmg too

This is what they say on maxroll. This guy seems to know his stuff

So what scales the damage in this particular build?

  • Dexterity
  • +% Damage
  • +% Damage over Time
  • +% Damage to Crowd Controlled
  • ‍Ring of Starless Skies
  • ‍Creeping Death
  • ‍Concussive Strikes
  • ‍Frigid Finesse
  • ‍Unstable Elixirs
  • ‍Exploit
  • ‍Malice
  • ‍Exploit Weakness
  • ‍No Witnesses
  • ‍Deadly Ambush
  • ‍Cheap Shot
  • ‍Eldritch Bounty
  • ‍Control
  • ‍Fluidity
  • ‍Canny
  • ‍Bane
  • ‍Tracker
  • ‍Close Quarters Combat

Things that do not scale Andariel’s Damage:

  • ‍Barrage or ‍Poison Imbuement Ranks (therefore only 1/5 Skill Points in each)

  • Critical Strike Damage (does not work with any Damage over Time effects)

  • +%Damage vs poisoned

  • ‍Weapon Mastery

  • ‍Caltrops (5% dmg only).

  • ‍Trick Attacks

  • Fists of Fate’s Aspect

    • But why are we using the Gloves then? Simply because of the absurd lucky hit chance and all the different forms of crowd control it applies.

I did read this, but again, he may be fooled as in game clearly states:

‘Dexterity increases Skill Damage’

Andariel’s poison proc - not skill damage.

Obviously, deadly ambush working for it is a bug and will be patched later.

I am not worried about that node, just if Dex scales Andy’s poison damage!

People have tested this for several seasons. I understand Blizzard has a way of wording things but most of the time, the theorycrafters are right. They are the ones that find bugs and report to Blizzard.

Every season and ptr, they test endlessly just to make sure and confirm things are still working as intended or there are new bugs.

It’s not one or two theorycrafters either. They work together and it’s community driven. Because of this, their information is most of the time better than what any individual comes up with alone.

I swapped my rubies out for emeralds, and I didn’t even need to test the damage. The difference in kill speed on council was obvious

So @Diegosage, the Dex gems made it a faster or slower kill speed? You didn’t really specify which way your findings went.

Faster, about 25% damage boost. Rubies don’t add damage so if dex did not add any damage, it would be the same

Copy that, thank you.