Does Blizzard have a hidden closed community that helps them to test patches before they launch live?
98% of the official Discord general chat is full of furious gamers, the Diablo 4 Reddit forum is on fire, and this forum is on fire, almost every content creator is publically upset.
I’ve never seen this unity in a gaming community about a patch being horrible. So how did it go past the testing phase?
Furthermore, every patch released so far has had these super obvious bugs. Like Helltide not dropping any cinders, or completely bricking a certain spec.
If they do in fact have a closed testing community, did they not warn Blizzard about this patch? Does anyone have insight?
Do they have a dedicated team for PTR? Of course they do. The team however only have 2 hours a week just to test things out. With GM commands. High end affix on every gear slot. They are there to test out potentials, not so see how much player suffer. Don’t forget these are paid testers. They can just sit in front of the computer for 2 hours without playing the game at all then write a report saying the game is unbalance, needs nerfs.