Do You Think The Nephilim Will Be Mentioned?

Think about it:

  • The Nephilim was 20 years old, or just under, in Diablo 3, as they had to be born AFTER the worldstone was destroyed to have that power, and Diablo 3 takes place 20 years after LoD.
  • Diablo 4 is 30 years after Diablo 3. This places the Nephilim in their late 40’s or 50 years old, max.

This means the Nephilim could be still kicking around, provided they did not die in some battle somewhere between D3 and D4.

As I understand it, all humans have the potential to unleash their nephalem powers after the worldstone was destroyed.

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the barbarian male and wd male in d3 were clearly much older than in their 20s. guess one is retired on some mountain village blabbering about good ole times in a beer all nights to anyone listening, and the other is the main shaman of some tribe in the jungle, providing he survived and nobody ate him as ritual sacrifice of the year from the tribe to some vulcan, that is.

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Unless my lore is wrong; you’re kind of right?
I understood it as humans slowly rising back to power now that it’s destroyed. So while most humans born will still be human, some will be stronger, and the race, as a whole, will re-evolve.

I actually missed this, so I guess my interpretation of the lore is wrong. Oops.

  1. Its Nephalem
  2. I suggest you just use the term “Diablo 3 hero”, because Nephalem is a general title for humanity before they lost their strength from both sides.
  3. Diablo 4 is 50 years after Diablo 3 and its questionable if the Diablo 3 hero was in his/her twenties during Diablo 3.

I would say no, he/she wont be a character in Diable 4, but maybe mentioned.

Thank you.

Fair point.

D4 is 30 years after D3, and 50 after D2.
But I was incorrect about the D3 Hero (Who is known as ‘The Nephalem’, but I agree it’s confusing) requiring being born after the worldstone being destroyed to have the power.

Incorrect it is 50 years.

According to the official Diablo timeline recently used, Malthael was killed in 1286 and Lilith comes back in 1336.

Son of a fluffernutter. I googled ‘How long after D2 is D3?’ while trying to google ‘How long after D3 is D4?’
No idea how I managed to mess that up that badly.

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Yes, I admitted I was wrong because I googled the wrong question.
But thank you for the timeline. :slight_smile:

It’s my understanding that there’s no pre-requisite for being a Nephalem besides being born to a demon and angel.

From what i gather from the D4 story so far, everyone is technically a Nephalem, and many show their powers, so I’d say they’re already in the game, just not by reference.

Am i missing something?

It could be cool to reencounter the D3 hero that matches our D4 class - some extra empowerment - some of them could be pushing 100, but theyre demigods, so what?

I mean more ‘The Nephalem’ from Diablo 3. The canon hero (Or heroes; Blizzard loved saying every hero had a role in D2 & D1) of D3.

We’ve gotten new info stating it’s actually 50 years after Diablo 3. Also, I’d put their ages at mid 20’s at the youngest.

I’d imagine they get mentioned since we have Lorath, but that’s about it.

20 if you played a wizard. 60 if you played a barb.