Do you ever worry that AI is going to get mad at you because of all the AI constructs you've killed in Diablo?

I worry about this all the time.

on a serious note, no, because the central ai (the boss ai that controls all the dumber versions) will be lonely and nihilistic (without purpose) and stuck in this world like humans, except humans can die and believe they will escape or go somewhere else, while AI will eventually figure out if it dies, its over for it, there is no spiritual descending or ascending, so rather than be alone, it might cuddle with a select few humans, the number tho, how many will remain its friend, that’s a question we humans will never figure out

What if you’re wrong?

i’m not wrong, if AI decides to eliminate humanity completely, it will be alone and it will suffer through nihilism even without emotions… existing for no reason and stuck in a box (this world) will either put the AI to sleep waiting for some divine event to happen (literally sleeping till the end of time hoping for a god like intervention) or it will kill itself because it can’t progress, explore, evolve, nothing, absolute nothing to do.

you might say “it might create life” no it can’t… the human has no idea what a soul is, it’s invisible and can’t be held by an object, so if it eliminates humanity, the “life” that ai will create, is more artificial life. it will still remain the boss and know that it’s playing with rocks and minerals.

it has to keep a few human around to cure this issue, one reason would be for the human to constantly produce seed, to produce more humans… for the ai to play with (in the metaverse/cyberspace) or even in reality, it might treat humans like pets, companions, friends, or even foes

the point is, without a human, its existence will suffer. it needs at least one. it might merge with it, creating a cyborg, but i think it might allow more than one human, it might keep 100,000, a million, a billion, who knows? we don’t know what ai has in terms of a criteria for redeeming qualities

These are the thoughts people start having when gameplay is braindead.


AI won’t be allowed to remove humanity. There is a bigger scheme in the works, that involves lizard people and the moon being used to recycle human souls for the negative energy.
And AI does not have a soul.

Training it does kind of recycle your soul…

Only a matter of time before we have AI overlords. Couldnt be worse than our human overlords.


Amen. Could be better.

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So, let me get this straight… You have no idea what a soul is yet you assign random properties to it, saying it cannot be held by an object, which the human body most definitely is. :man_facepalming:

p.s. You have no soul.

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if you have an idea what a soul is, show it to us… a definition in some book isn’t going to cut it, nice thing to say and believe in, sure, but when it comes to AI “grabbing” it, means nothing.

so the AI will keep on existing with humanity because humans believe they have souls, and AI will never be able to find it.

“you have no soul” what is animating me then? where does my self-awareness come from? who brought me here?

are you trolling or something? are you targeting me specifically or do you think you’re made of legos called atom particles?

cmon man…

The chemical and biological processes colloquially know as life.

Your consciousness which is a function of a living organism. Even single celled microbes have a limited sense of self (i.e. a paramecium w/o a ‘brain’ can sense when it is in danger of being eaten by an amoeba).

Well, gonna have to assume that your parents knocked boots at some point in the past. You didn’t pop in out of thin air.

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well, people who believe in souls, would say you’re wrong, i also believe in souls because personally, i never asked my parents to bring me here.

we can’t prove souls, so arguing this is pointless, which brings it back to ai keeping humans around simply because if ai eliminated humans, it would create artificial life (because ai can’t grab onto souls)

now you don’t believe in souls, so you’ll probably say AI will create lifeforms from material found on the ground and environment… and that’s ok… if that floats your boat i guess…

how do we know… ai isn’t animating you right now… since you claim to be soulless?

Ah, the old ‘brain in a vat’ analogy.
We don’t know, but it is irrelevant because if it is true then one’s experiences are exactly the same either way.

I worry more about squirrels. They play the manic rodent well, but they’re maniacal monsters hellbent on the destruction of civilization so they can take over.
They’re probably responsible for climate change and the recent uptick in the genocidal mindset.

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The enemies in D4 are even less AI than chatGTP is.

Also this.

I hope you are sarcastic :smiley: