Do NOT play BARB or SORC | DSC#3

No one cares that you havn’t seen the videos where players clear way faster as Druid and hit 90million+ or Kill lillith in 1/3rd the time. Or Necros doing it in 1/10th the time as Barb. The game is very imbalanced.

Yeah because i play the game not watch others play. And this is diablo did you really expect balance? You ever play d2 in your life? Nothing was even in the realm of balanced.
And it is barbs who started this nerf mobile and they should be the weakest class for it.
Most of the calls to nerf sorc in beta came straight out of the barb forums.


Guessing you do watch others, just the wrong ones.

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Ice shards is pretty to look at. I was watching a sorc attacking a boss with it! After a while, I got bored, so stepped in and one shot it with bone spear.

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Sorc has good speed farming builds but its for lower tier nm dungeons

druids clearing Lilith at level 90

Obviously you can not read. Because it is obvious i PLAYED with those druids not watched them,