Do new players know how fun reknown is?

Its pretty awesome, the reknown, its necesarry to get the rest of your paragon ppoints . Probably the best part of the game

I was going to play a lot of VOH but then i had to realize something. Just so much stuff i can still do in the base game, stuff im required to do. I think i reallt just need to do all my reknown and paragon points before i can reach max level now.

I hsve a lot of farming and grinding to do before i can start VoH. I guess ill wait til next season and get it later when im done with all of this content i still need to do. I forgot theres so much. Ill be very busy

Plus i can still play endgame, the pit, farm mythics , beat bosses just like the end of VOH. Helltides and stuffs.
I think this game has a lot of value and the base game is so good. A year later and theres still so much to do . It take a lot of time but i have all the time in the world. Ill finish my base game and just start VOH later i guess . Need to farm my reknown and more statues to be max level . I still have soo many side quest to do. Lots of content i need to finish.

Good news, new players won’t have to worry about it as bad as we did. Rejoice young blood, your prayers have been answered.

But thats only for the Kurast map. Theres still the base game reknown i need to finish, to be able to get max paragon. Did you forget about that? I played different characters and never finished enough side quest to get the extra paragon points.

Read it again good sir. They made changes to the base renown making it easier to obtain your paragon points. Now yes you may still have to gather the lilith statues for max stats, but it’ll be easier to cap out renown.

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Thats what im saying on one character i need to get all of the reknown maxed, all of the statues, to get all of the remaining paragon points. Im not sure why you dont understand how the game works, the reknown is necessary to get all of your paragon points. i can’t make this any more simple for you. Maybe you finished it, but i havent yet. Does that make more sense?

So go finish it, what’s the problem? It’ll be easier to do when the patch hits, that’s what I’m telling you.

Is something wrong with you? Why are you acting like im confused, and then telling me what to do? You might need to go get your head checked out man. I dont think you understand anything I typed. Is your reading comprehension lacking?

I said instead of playing VOH, i still have plenty of things to play in the base game. ITs like a whole new base game now, updated and stuff. and I have to grind reknown to get all the paragon points to play max level now.

Congrats, OP. You came in all fake and sarcastic about having “so much stuff” to do before buying/playing VOH, and you could only keep your troll job together for about 20 seconds.

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you no longer need to max renown to get the paragon points. You get them at tier 4 instead of 5. It’s also fewer renown points to reach tier 4 than it was before.

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