Do devs read here?

I feel like not. There are probably more chances to deliver the feedback by writing directly to AZJackson85/Adam Z. Jackson and/or tinman354/Charles Dunn or whoever else is responsible for classes than here.

No, they’re busy buffing the barbarian.


They dont. They just listen to influencers :frowning:

Unless it is on the bug fix forum, they dont heed any suggestions from here because theyve done the EXACT opposite of what this forum has been asking for.

Considering how much we insult them here on a daily basis (and deservedly so) there is no way they are going here to read stuff.

I try to keep my feedback positive, but sarcasm does slip sometimes. And honestly its not the devs job to review feedback. It is the product managers’ job to review customer feedback, collate, and prioritize on a cadence. Negative feedback is important, and qualifying the amount of pain we are feeling is equally important. The baby bird that cries the loudest is the one that gets the worm. Except if you are a baby barb bird, then you always get the worm.