Disturbing trend in Trade Chat

Lately I have been noticing an increase of spam of RMT sites in trade chat lately, just wondering if anything is being done about this.


As long as people are reporting them then yes. However they do not have GM’s in the game like they do in WoW. So until they hear about it through the automated system, basically nothing will be done.

That being said if enough people report someone in game, if it works like their other games, they’ll be temporarily suspended from the game until someone looks over the account. Sadly I expect it to get worse when the patch hits and open trading is in full swing.

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I disabled trade chat on day 1. /shrug


legendaries are tradeable, is that really a surprise ? most people will buy their way to decked out gears !!!

What “they did” was to allow full-on trade in the upcoming Season 4. Everything can be traded, except Uber Uniques.

So yes, this is the consequence of allowing that - and that’s what “they” did.


Yea I understand what they did, it doesn’t explain why there is no spam filter limit when it is constant every few seconds, the only way I know to stop it is like others have said is report it and then block them. Then when it happens again stop what I’m doing again and repeat. It gets annoying especially if you are trying to talk with someone in trade when before they can respond you whole chat log is flooded with spam.

This wasn’t a thing prior to the trade announcement. I rarely if ever saw blatant RMT / 3rd party website spam.

They are now clearly ramping up sites and spam exactly for the upcoming open trade.

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Whose keeping these RMT site lights on? It still surprise me how people are willing to pay $70 for this game then pay more money for loot just so they can AFK in deserted town.


It will get 1000x worse when S4 starts. Best to just disable it. I dont think blizzard is capable of dealing with spam bots based on D2/D2R lobby RMT spam.


lol, since im playing wow again, yes this stuff is wild. reporting it doesnt even seem to make sense since they just come up with a new account =I


People with more money than time typically. I don’t condone it mind you, but I can understand the mindset. If you can spend money to basically power level your character through gear so you spend less time grinding for it and more time just having fun killing things then for them it’s worth the extra money.

I’ve never paid for these services myself, but I have friends who have dabbled in RMT for in game currency in other games. Typically they logon maybe for a couple of hours over the weekend if they’re lucky. They don’t want to waste that time grinding.

I would never do it myself as I don’t see a point to paying extra money for pixels that could also potentially get my account banned. It’s not worth it to me, and I enjoy just playing the games, grind and all, to an extent anyway. If some one can come up with a way to stop RMT in video games they’d be a very rich man though.

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from classic d2 times i know its a huge market, as i participated in it back then. that being said, any job gets paid better =P

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When they don’t tell you how much gold whatever mats they are advertising for sale will cost and instead say “DM ME for price”
It is 99% guaranteed it is a RMT request.


No they are posting usd prices in trade chat now aswell as the sites.

The spam is annoying and will get worse, I know like mirc used to have a thing were you could only post like 4 times before a server kick if no one breaks your posts. Something like this would not stop them yet it would slow them down as they would then have to relocate after a server kick.

I don’t know if they have any flags for chats that flag site links or usd amounts but it should be looked into with what is coming for s4 or trade chat will be overwhelming rmt spam.

As we have been seeing on Xbox in our lfg posts Rmt spam all day and night.

wow sounds scary. you alright?

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The only way I can see this being solved in a real way without going back to a more restricted system would be an Item 4 Item trade “auction house” not really an auction house though.

Insert Item you’re trading
Now pick the item you want in exchange

  • Select Rarity
  • Select Affixes desired on item (Crit dmg, Max Life, Atk Spd) or (Crit Chance, Crit Dmg, Any) So you’d be able to accept any Affix if you aren’t looking for specifics.
  • Select Legendary Aspect

Make it Anonymous and you only see items not player/account names. You simply put in the item you’re trading. Then just make it so items can only be traded through this system. Now I am sure people would find ways to still RMT but it would be much harder. Since the only real way would be to post an item for something extremely bad or for something specific the buyer already has in their own possession.

Main Point TL/DR
Either way they have how many people on the Diablo team? No one is creative enough to come up with ideas that still allow trading but extremely limit what RMT people can do? Heck enough of us on the forums give them enough ideas to start with even before the game launch, so… yeah. :man_shrugging:

Yeah I can understand that mindset. I just consider the amount of complaining on the forum, then tied that with RMT mindset. Which give rise to more question on how much money people have to burn.

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Next season you can buy legendaries and uniques from websites with real money THATS A PROBLEM!!!

Only a problem if you plan on buying them. Not a problem for the rest of us who will never buy their products. It’ll suck to see the spam in the trade channel, but in the grand scheme of things it won’t really affect the legit players.


Problem for whom? The only people who use real money to get items in a game that you can just play and get are “working parents with 6 jobs and 25 kids”…if they can buy, then they are not complaining to change the rules of the game to accommodate them. It’s a win-win kind of.

Let’s be honest if Bluzzard wanted to stop it, they could, but then it would remove one of their own avenues to make $.