I posted about disconnects on January 23, and replied on multiple threads since launch. When I teleport about 50% of the time (literal) I disconnect to character select. This should be game breaking after a year of this, but I guess I’m bored enough to not give up. Often, maybe 75% of the time I get an initial screen image of the place I am teleporting to, then the disconnect happens. This is a billion dollar game. Why is this still a thing?
I play a ton of online games, including D3. This is the only one where I experience anything like this. I’ve done 100% of everything recommended on your FAQs, from driver updates to running system tests and nothing comes up. Are other people having this issue or am I anomalous. I suppose most other who experienced this would have given up long before this. I’ve never ever seen a blue post response to any of the posts regarding disconnects. Wiggling the handle just doesn’t work (also why is “Jig gle” a forbidden word on forum posts. Are we 12?). What’s going on with this?
If the forums allow, this is a link to my Jan post.