Disconects and error code 44

any idea whts goin on? cant talk or send msges

Here is a link for your issue:

and why i got silenced? and not only that if i press leave game it closes game same as exit game

Read the whole thread. Check your email.
Put in a ticket.

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email since silenced for 2 week no reason i just loged in asked for nightmare dungeon and pit and horde and bam silence msged for few peaples asked wht stats i need for pit and horde thats it usualy if u get banned from blizz game u cant use forums till bann ends but i still here i think its automated mass report

It is pretty strange to me. Keep me posted if you figure out the exact way and reason this is happening.

i think its some how conected to forums my posts were reported and deleted lately and bam sudenly this silence pops in game right after i log in

forum penalties and game penalties are seperated. you can have a forum ban, and your game wont be affected. same vice versa.


ohh i just remember wht i said last to some one in privet he said go look into maxroll site and copy build i said not all builds best in maxroll so mabe kid got upsed and reported me?

6:00 PM

wht stats i need for it?
6:00 PM

6:01 PM

wht u mean speed
6:01 PM

movespeed and killing speed
6:01 PM

so wht stats i need for it?
6:01 PM

idk, look for speedfarm builds on maxroll
6:02 PM

max rolls some times got crapp builds
wht stats i need for guntlet
6:06 PM

it’s around 70 nmd, u need clear it fast and safe
movespeed around cap 200

look at time of silence email Blizzard Entertainment noreply@blizzard.com 6:32 PM (2 hours ago)


got respond,

Issue ID: #95925937

Your ticket has received the following response:


This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Battle.net Terms of Use can be found at https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment

why i dont get it why i got silenced? i still silenced for wht?