Didn't know about Goblin event

Don’t throw me stones, but I love those Goblin events. And not knowing it was coming is a double nice surprise.


have fun =) i can imagine its pretty useful especially if you still farm for mythics =)

Is there a cosmetic to earn or just more loot? We have a loot problem so more loot is not a fix to anything. I love me some gobs too but they have major issues to fix before this will mean much.

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Nah, I got all the mythics I want now. It is just fun to run to 5-6 goblins at a time especially with a blood wave necro. Not as easy at it seems…

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Another spark if you finish the reputation. Looks like more rune drops as well along the way.

Thank you. No reason to log on.

Finished S7 in 10 day and came back for 1 hour on lunar for cosmetics.

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Perfect timing to find out, as it just started today and will last a week. Also the goblin variants are here to stay, they just won’t be in an abundance when the event ends.


Ok, nice to know. Adding new features is always a good healthy sign…

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careful now! people are becoming extremely sensitive about the goblin event right now haha :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want the official news:

Or my tl;dr for it.

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And what people are not sensitive to ? That’s the true question…

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I hope I’ll be the 1 to find/kill the Mythic one, so I can brag it in y’alls faces!

sings Purple rain

Has anybody had the ancestral tributes drop from a goblin? I’ve seen the rune tributes drop but I’m after ga gear.

When I opened the very first reward event cache, it put a Pale Barding horse armor in my inventory. I could have sworn I’d had that since Season 0, but there it was.

I can’t find the goblin statue. Can someone please tell me exactly where it is? Do I have to finish the main campaign or be a certain level or be on a certain difficulty level to see it? I googled for the answer and someone said it is to the left of the waypoint in Kyovashad (or however you spell it). But I cannot for the life of me find this thing. I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

It’s in Kyovashad a little left of the waypoint next to the outside staircase.

“From March 4, 10 a.m. PST—March 11, 10 a.m. PDT , a variety of Goblins are wreaking havoc across Sanctuary through every town and hovel. The Goblins have multiplied like, well, Goblins. As you progress through the Reputation track, you’ll increase your chances of cleaving them from their Treasure Bags. Hunt them across every World Tier, in the Overworld and deepest dungeons, and across both Eternal and Seasonal Realms.”

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First off, thank you SO MUCH for responding. I appreciate it. I found this same picture online. I still can’t find it/see it. I start with my back to the waypoint, the healer to my right, the staircase to my left. I walk forward and turn into the first little area and there is no goblin statute. I’ve looked around that entire area and no goblin statue. Either I’m bugged or I have to finish the original storyline before I get to see it. Either way, it was fun hunting goblins last night. Thanks again for assisting.

It’s to the lower left of the portal/wayppint.

Hmmm, honestly, could you elaborate more, I’m really curious. What exactly you find fun when you kill them ?
For me they die, pet collects a gold, mats, gem shards, which I got plenty, items …I dont even mention that, so what is the thrill exactlly ?
Also if they stay in game I cant really image start of season…it will be soooo fast, like 0 work for anything in this game. Literally no thrill.
I disliked them in D3 when introduced and I hate then in D4. And yet ppl wanting whimseyshire, greed , vault etc… here :smiley: :smiley: Sigh.

This goblin event reeks of desperation to gain more players and it goes without saying the developers don’t have a clue how to fix D4. Again I refuse to reinstall the game and I will not waste my money buying VoH just to feed their lazy untalented developers. Blizzard is a total complete failure of a company and I really hope the Tariffs rip apart your company. Honestly I really dont know why I keep coming back I guess I am a sucker for drama.