Did you all at blizzard really play this game and say "yeah 1 or 2 builds per class being viable is fun!"

i have never seen such little diversity in skills and builds in any ARPG. sure i don’t expect every skill to be S-Tier but there are some skills that are not even supported by aspects while some have 4-5.

how did you come into the game and feel like this was good design?


Well, when I was designing the game (I’m totally the lead designer of Diablo btw), I made builds that I liked, and made them powerful. Then I made builds that my cheating ex liked, and made them weak. That looked good to me, so I ordered my uncle (The president of Nintendo) to publish the game.

I legit think that they didnt think anyone would get this far pre season. Then the marketing team was like “Hold my beer”

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It’s pretty clear for me that Blizzard hardly tested their game in WT3+. There’s just too many things that don’t really make much sense that they would have picked in a couple hours of testing.

  • aspect inventory management + stash doesn’t work
  • gems have little to no use and still take a lot of room
  • horse, need to say more?
  • sigil inventory management
  • paragon glyphs that have no effect because the nodes they should modify don’t exist on the board
  • elemental resists being super bad
  • white mobs in higher NM dungeons are more dangerous than the bosses in those
  • dungeons repetitiveness

and I’m sure many more

The game shows HUGE signs it was rushed by management and all they could do was focus mostly on the campaign part of it as best as they could. Even the story in the campaign shows cracks and signs of rushing past the early acts.


I dont know why people say that dungeons are repetitive here. I am farming NM dungeons constantly and usually use different ones, which look different and have several objectives to choose from. There is enough diversity, i really dont know what kind of diversity you guys expect, because other ARPGs surely dont have much more, usually even less.

I mean, have you guys played Vermintide, which started with just 13 maps and you played all of them over and over again for hundreds of hours for progression? What about Diablo 2, where every dungeon is literally the same with just another skin? Ever played any RTS ever?

1 or 2 builds per class is kind of what happens with any game trying to balance stuff out. It’s hard to get every path balanced without 1 being the best.

It’s a min maxxer design dilemma with how far you take some stuff and how constrained you leave others. They want to give options and choices, but there will always be one that is slightly better and that’s what min maxxers push for even if others are viable to play they aren’t “viable” in the min maxxers eyes because they aren’t top DPS.

Your clearly well thought out argument doesn’t address any issues besides pissing yourself at not being able to min max anything you want, which by definition just won’t ever be the case in any game.

you’re really out here acting like 1-2 viable builds per class is good game design? really? have you not played any other games in this genre?

I can actually see why your ex cheated but I’m more surprised she was there to begin with.

Kidding of course. But you seriously need get rid of horse cooldowns. As the owner of Blizzard with stock invested, I’m expecting that change this week.

They actually did a great job designing uniques and legendary items that are universal, most of the aspects that we use in good builds are not skill specific. You could use them with any of your core skills.

Unfortunately you need a way to apply vulnerable and a way to survive/remove cc, so there goes a bunch of builds.

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They didn’t play their own game, otherwise they should’ve and would’ve seen the issues of endgame. And if they somehow did than they are even more out of touch then I thought.

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Then they bone Druid with tempest roar not dropping. Most of us are stuck as werebears smh.

Nope. They NEVER play their own games. I thought that was common knowledge by now.

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They play but other games because they lack of ideas.

That makes at any given time 10 ways to play at pinnacle content.

I didn’t say only 2 exist per class. I said 2 exist per for min-maxxers which is drastically different.

Acting like there is only one way to play the game is probably why people get into these hyper focused mindsets.

You can do a shread build without tempest roar. But boy o boy is tempest roar a game changing in terms of opening up possibilities. Little FYI i’ve found two and both dropped in the open world not some High level Dungeon. The entire do high level dungeons for better loot is BS. You want to gear up helltides map google it run cellars and instances for orbs.

You will always have a best build. But in this game the builds are either S or C tier. No in between.

Spoken like someone in WT2 Act 3.

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When you have 90 percent of all classes running the exact same skills across the pitiful viable builds available, you know they never tested this game. Punching in dev codes to reset paragon boards would be a good possibility why they never thought about adding a full respec button. It’s these simple things. They didn’t think abo it how terrible the storage is because they never actually played the game. They coded in the items they needed to “test.” They didn’t go farm this crap. They didn’t fill up inventories. They essentially cheat coded their way through the testing process. This is the only reason I can think of for the basic QOL things not being in this game. You know damn well they didn’t run to every dungeon, they put in a code and booted up the “test” from inside the dungeon. You know they didn’t test past WT2 or they would have known all the skills in every class is garbage and doesn’t scale to the endgame. You know they didn’t test world bosses at end game levels or they would have known they would get melted in 90 seconds or less. They took Diablo 3s shell, and then completely forgot about all the things they changed to make that game good, didn’t think to bring those things into the game and go all pikachu shocked face when the community gets angry over things that were corrected and implemented in the last game that they for some idiotic reason didn’t bring into this game.

And FFS whats with your unhealthy fetish with cooldowns?
Stop. Get help.